I'm studying abroad in South Kensington as of tomorrow, and I obviously don't know the area at all. I know I've seen a bunch of people posting from the UK so if you guys can help me out on a place to watch the game on Sunday it would be greatly appreciated. So, any suggestions?
I don't think there's a Jets bar per se, your best bet is the Sports Cafe on Haymarket. Call tomorrow and book, though - you may struggle to get in otherwise.
There was a Boozer in Steatham that used to air games. Its been a while since I've been there so it may have closed, but alot of the Britball players used to go there as well.
Is anyone down to meet up at The Sports cafe tonight for the game? I've been watching the games on the internet but it would be pretty nice to watch the afccg with some atmosphere. Let me know if you're interested and ill make a reservation
Sports Cafe will most likely stay open late and is the safest bet to meet up with other Jets fans. I was there for NYJ v. SD last year... For the pubs below call ahead to check if they have the game... haven't been to any of them in a long time. Famous Three Kings, near West Kensington Tube Station shows games. Bodeans BBQ shows games. The White Bear pub in Kennington. http://www.allinlondon.co.uk/clubs_bars/venue-1245.php Sports Bar and Grill in Victoria and Marylebon http://www.sportsbarandgrill.co.uk/contact.cfm For the super bowl this group below usually does a huge party of Americans. I went three years ago with over 1000 people. You may want to check it out. http://www.meetup.com/americansabroad/ This facebook group also has loads of options listed for the superbowl http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2248869453
Would be good if someone could provide this information on the UK Jets website at www.uknyj.co.uk because we often get guys on asking for places in London to watch the games.
I went to the Sports cafe and this pretty much sums up the place for me: Try some of these, one of them will be showing LINK This place is probably your best bet http://www.sportsbarandgrill.co.uk/ and they will be showing the Superbowl too http://www.sportsbarandgrill.co.uk/downloads/superbowl.pdf not sure why they have the Chefs pictured :rofl: EDIT: I've just phoned Sports Bar And Grill in Marylebone (London) MAP Address and they DEFINITELY have it on. They are fully booked tonight (food) but you can drink and watch the game in the bar.