Heh. In the regular season, tradition has it that Petrozza starts the game threads. Preseason, well whatever :smile:
damn, around here is OBSESSED with the gaints and i hate it. they act like the jets are from cali or something and you should hear the announcers, theyre helarious. eli will throw it like 40 ft over the recievers head and theyll talk about how composed he is and how he trys to put it where only the reciever can get it
When Ramsey started with the Skins, I pretty much watched all his games, so his play is predictable to me. I'm sure he's improved a ton since being in Washington, but I don't think you will correct his tendancy to hold on to the ball. Especially with an Oline that can't be counted on. I don't think you can have a statue playing behind a young O line. So I hope and pray that Kellen continues to play well, and becomes the backup, because Ramsey is not a QB that should be starting for this team. Its a bad match.
No problem, I'm in the same boat....Ohio, no game. DirectV for all regular season games. Remember, tomorrow NFL Network reply of Jet's game 2 PM EST!!
looking forward to tonight....traditionally 2nd and 3d preseasons are the best games...for obvious reasons...anyone else kinda liking Mangini?
I'm listening to the game. Click on listen live Jets. It switches to another page and find the link for all other 1050 programing..........it works with no field pass.