A picture worth a thousand words. Thank you Woody from the bottom of our hearts. Please don't sell the team and hand it over to Brick so he can continue your exemplary tradition.
ah man. There is a famous saying in Eastern Europe. It says "If rape is inevitable, at least try to enjoy it, cause you are having sex". I know a very bad statement but I am trying to enjoy the rape being done by Woody and his son. That's all.
Tyrod Taylor was the QB for the Bills who ended that streak. Who's that there sitting on our bench as a back up? *wink,wink
The New York Jets, Making other teams look good since 1970. Haven't won more than 7 games in a season in a decade.
One really fascinating thing about that graph. There were 20 conference championship games in the last decade so 40 slots. 23 different teams played in those 40 slots. I think this is as good an example of parity in the NFL as there is.
I was hoping to ignore that little fact by leaving it unsaid. I guess somebody has to be at the end of a probability spectrum.
Say what you want, only one team in the NFL has a whole line to themselves on this chart. Take that you other 31 teams.
I'm over the doom and gloom mentality. Time to put my cheer boots back on and support our guy AG. We needed a culture change, I think he might just be the guy to get it done.
flip that chart 180 degrees and the Jets are the champions - maybe we should move the team to Australia?
Back in the 80's I went to a Men At Work concert and they did that VERY thing! LOL Colin Hay flipped the map 180 degrees and said, "Look, America is now.....Down Under!" The crowd lost it and they slipped right into their "Down Under" song. Good times!