lets just stop putting the name of our team and the words "Super" and "Bowl" in the same sentence. That's how far away we are from actually winning one.
The only way Jets could not go to the Super Bowl is if Woody bought them tickets and flew them there on his plane !
so a few years ago before Tommy had won ANY SBs, I was in vegas and bought a $10 ticket for a co-worker for NE to win that year's SB. NE had just dropped their first 2 games and were sitting at 0-2. The odds were 125-1, same as the Jets now. Long story short the fuckers won their first ring, and my man got paid good, like over a grand. He gave me $50. Which I'm now putting on the Jets to win the SB in Feb of 2018. Book it! Who's with me?????
Here are 3 things that would make that a reality.... 1. Defying all expectation, Hackenberg steps up, proves that Mac was right and everyone else is wrong and becomes the next Tom Brady 2. Jets dump their dead weight contracts and sign some high value FA's the plug their many gaps - namely OL and Secondary 3. Hit home runs with multiple draft picks who become Day 1 starters All of those things would need to happen AND we'd need to hope that Brady starts showing signs of age!!!
The Rangers are the only team that I've been a fan of that's won it all. I was too young to fully appreciate it, but I still remember Messiers ear to ear grin when it was all over. The insane series against the Devils. It was awesome. Stopped following all other sports a loooooong time ago. I can only imagine how much it must suck for people who've only ever followed football and are Jets fans. Never seeing any of your teams win it all must really blow, and they're not going to see it here anytime soon.
I'm gonna sound like a homer, but we don't need Brady to show signs of age. You saw Grady Jarrett ball on the Patriots offensive line? Jets got 2 pro-bowl caliber interior lineman that can rush the passer. Shore up the secondary with young talent, and the develop an efficient offense. The 2nd part, I don't know if it'll happen, but if Hack steps up, Jets could be on their way. The Jets could be there at the end, and that's all I ask for as a fan. A lot of questions surround this franchise.
I was 11 on January 12, 1969, and I'll be 60 before the end of this year. If you saw the Jets win their only Super Bowl, and you're still alive today, you're an old em effer.