Doing 110 in a 70 zone on a SC interstate. Not sure I care alot- sure its irresponsible and he could have caused a nasty accident or even killed someone. But he didn't. And he's a kid. He'll, I've done 126 on the Tappan Zee Bridge and I'm not some young future sure fire superstar NFL player. Can't see this hurting his draft status at all- he's clearly still 1 or 2 in my book, the guy has all the physical attributes (and the killer instinct) to be a dominant player for a decade in this league. Can't get all worked up over this. I find the commentator's take on this a little much. _
It adds to the growing list of personality concerns, but at the end of the day those still mean very little at this point. The kid is going in the top three of the draft unless he beheads someone while high meth with kiddie porn in his car.
^Could really care less also. It really does mean nothing at the end of the day. The guy's a freak of nature. I heard Mike and Mike this morning and they were ripping this kid apart. I was shocked. Typical media blowing things out of control. Agreed that he's a top 3 lock and most likely #1.
It doesn't matter, who hasn't gone over a 100 a couple times as a kid. Difference is he got caught, no big deal he's still a top 3 pick.
absolutely terrible judgement. this kid has to know better, g.m.'s should take notice and drop him down a few pegs. say around 12 or so where i think we will be drafting
He would not pass o matter who was coach if the GM is drafting BPA. That can be said for every team in the draft. He may not go number 1, but there is not a better physical prospect in the draft.
The media's job is to make stories. Andrew luck playing well is boring. RG3 struggling and shanahan not happy is good news, what do you think the media flocks to? Last Sunday Cleveland sports talk radio was ripping apart bridge water while heaping praise on Carr and Fales. Why? Because being contradictory makes people call in. Bad press sells better. This non story is the only good one going draft wise now and will be forgotten in a week or two.
I would not touch this kid with a 10 foot pole. Total bust waiting to happen. This speeding ticket is a direct correlation to his maturity level. Imagine if the Jets drafted him? He'd probably be with Goodson driving 110 mph, while drunk with a gun thats loaded with hollow points. What a waste of talent. /mediastateofmind
Serious question, won't happen but let's pretend we are on the clock and Clpwney is available. We just drafted Mo, Coples, Sheldon, and snacks is a beast you guys really think that we would draft him?
Without a doubt. If we are drafting BPA and he is there, we take him unless some one offers a kings ransom that is closer to the RG3 deal than what we got for Revis. It's a moot point though, we are not drafting top 3 and Clowney is not falling out of it unless he does something drastic between now and then.
are u serious?? - if so i would tend to agree with u but not quite sure at this point. its another flag among several flags for him and who knows at this point.
I would probably trade that pick for what we got for Revis.. Swap firsts, then have their next years first and a 3rd? I'm all for it.
Look at what you said there. Swapping firsts and then getting a first and a third... That's 2 first rounders and a third for a higher first. Your adding a first rounder over what we received in the Revis deal. A much greater value. That type of deal you do, but to simply swap and receive a third later, no.