Kill instant replay and let the call on the field stand. Time and time again calls are over turned with out a clear look at the play. How can Heap's TD non-catch be over ruled when you never saw the ball as his body was turned to the back of the camera. I thought you had to have indisputable no question about a doubt PROOF to over turn a call. I see calls every week over turned with out the clear evidence to over turn the call. THe NFL is only hurting the game by allowing this flawed system to continue. Bellichick was punished for damaging the integrity of the game allowing instant replay to remain damages the game as well.
Agreed, Heap did make a great catch. If they overturned Baker's TD, you might have an arguement there. But they didn't. Its all good.
Replay is here to stay and I'm happy for it. We may not always agree with the call made, but it gives the ref a chance to correct a mistake if needed. I thought the Heap TD would be overturned after watching the replay and the Baker TD would stand. I don't see how we were screwed or the system is that flawed.
Yes Heap's effort was a great one. My problem was the reversal of the on the field call. Where was the indisputable proof that the referee is supposed to see to over turn the call made on the field. The angles we saw no one could say with certainty that Heap had poseesion as he left the field of play.
I wish I could say that wasn’t a catch but I’d be lying. I thought it was indisputable…his feet kicked up rooster tails where they touched down!
The call on the field should have stood. No TD. There was NO INDISPUTABLE proof that he had control of the ball going out of bounds.
yeah i agree that it was a close call on the Heap TD and i also think the call on the field should have stayed and not been overturned, but i'm definitely for instant replay overall. I think for every play they screwup by going to replay theres at least 10x as many that they get right on the money and fix. The game goes by incredibly fast in live, real-time, so i'd rather have the backup of instant replay than have to only rely on the eyes of the refs.
Looked like a catch to me... I never understand what the downside of instant replay is. You look at the play and try to get it as right as possible. Either the play on the field stands, or if it's blatantly wrong, the play will be overturned. What's wrong with trying to get things as right as possible? Do you ever see plays overturned that are blatantly wrong?
Stop crying. That was a great catch. If you want to cry about something, cry about how lousy the Jets special teams are playing. Cry about how lousy the defense looks. Stop making BS excuses.
Wow really...this is the biggest knee jerk reaction to a play that I've seen this year. Heap made an amazing catch. Replay is here to allows for game changing mistakes to be looked over. I really dont' see the downside of it at all.
This wasn't a knee jerk reaction.The replay is supposed to take the human error aspect out of officiating. I've seen too many calls like this one go the other way as well. The rule states that the original call must stand unless there's a view that overturns the orignal on the field call. The angles that were shown to us did not show the ball in his hands as his body was between the camera and his hands. I'm just looking for consistency which this rule was created for. Also to Martin I'm not making excuses I'm just looking for the league to be consistent with it's rulings.
i didnt think heap had possesion of the ball when he went out. it was a heck of a grab, but i just dont think it was a td. i really hate the fact that in the 2 games there has been a td scored by the other team inside the 2 min mark of the first half. watsons td and heaps td.
It's hard to say.. I thought it definitely could have been a touchdown. As for instant replay.. there's nothing wrong with it; I'd rather have questionable plays reviewed and corrected if necessary. In this case in particular, however, there really wasn't enough evidence to prove he had possession.. at least from the angles we were shown. You can't assume he has possession just because his shoulders aren't moving a whole lot..
Heaps catch was borderline reversble. That fell in the grey area of indisputible. I think Heap did a great job of getting his feet in proper position while selling the possesion of the ball. Still a call from Mangini's office would be prudent. Bakers catch was more clearer with a great camera angle.