This article seems to say he is. "Also, fired Broncos coach Mike Shanahan appears to be back in play for the Jets. He had told the NFL Network he planned to wait two weeks before talking to any team, which initially helped influence the Jets to move on. But less than 24 hours after they declared Shana.han off their radar, there were indications the Jets, with plenty to keep themselves busy with, are willing to wait the two weeks.",0,6886032.story
I have a hard time believing Tannenbaum would bring a guy like Shanahan in. I think Tanny wants a guy who wouldn't be any threat to taking some of his authority away.That can only be a coordinator type. Paranoia is running rampent in Jets land. I do hope it's true, though.
I have mixed feelings about Shanny. I'm sure he's a great coach in some respects, but I'm also sure he's a lousy coach in some respects. Nothing since Elway? That doesn't exactly load me up with confidence. But, they were always competitive. Ugh. Again, this blows. While I think Mangini showed some terrible coaching this year, there were also moments when they were coached really well. They should have just given him 1 more year, because I don't have the stomach for this BS anymore.
Shanny is guaranteed $7M a year for the next 3 years from Denver. He is also known to be a bitter, vindictive a-hole. He loves being in the AFC West and beating al davis, who still owes him $250K, twice a year. And everyone knows its only a matter of time before Norv screws up in SD and gets fired. So I figure Shanny will go fishing until the SD job comes open. Taking money from Denver will make him happy and getting back into the AFC West will make him happy. Going to the Jets this year does nothing to feed his vindictiveness.
Do you really know that he's vindictive or is it just normal to feel that way after being humped by Senor Diaper-pants?
Oh, he definitely hates Al Davis...he has been quite vocal about it and leaves nothing to guesswork there.
I hadn't even considered San Diego but you're absolutely right. That would seem like a perfect spot for him to land. That's a Super Bowl ready team that just needs better coaching. There's probably no better potentially available coaching job than SD from a personnel standpoint.
He left Oakland many years ago, and SD has lousy ownership, too. He can't hope to replicate the situation he had in Denver in SD, and you have no reason to think SD will want him. He's also known as an HC who knows how to develop Qb's, which is what the Jets need. The Jets also need to shed the image they can only appeal to candidates who have a flimsy track record for the job. We've had three of those guys in a row now. And of course on principle the fact that you don't like the idea makes us all think it might be a better one than we first thought.
I've never liked Shanahan. I've always felt he liked to promote cheap-shots by his players, and he's always appeared to me to be the type of person who would shank his mother if he thought it would win a football game. That said, considering the coach up north from here, I'd take him as our next head coach immediately. Besides, this team full of pussies needs someone to teach them how to act like football players.
Yep. I'd put him in the same category as Belichick as far as ruthless bastards go. But I would love to have him coach my team.
I agree. I would not want him as my next door neighbor, or for that matter as my own boss. But seeing as how the Jets right now are underachievers, perhaps he's the right answer.
I wouldn't mind if Shanahan comes here just so we can beat the Raiders. Mangini couldn't do it. And we do have them on the schedule again next season.
While beating the Raiders would be nice (considering we manage to play them every freaking year, and that they totally suck) I'm far more concerned about beating teams like the Patriots and the future Dolphins. That said, of the people under consideration, only Ryan and Shanahan make me feel like they have what it takes.
Great for offensive development but a disaster with defense, and in case no one ever heard this before...defense wins championships. I truly believe Shanahan will sit back, contribute to one of the networks this year, then end up with Jerry Jones and Dallas next year where both gush over Tony Romo