I wouldn't think in this day and age a poll like this would be needed but 2 posters on the site have made me think otherwise. Pretty straight forward. Do you think it is OK to hit a woman if your life is NOT in danger? We are talking like talking back to you, spitting on you, even minor pushing. Of course it is understood if your life or the life of your family is in danger you do anything needed but that is not the premise of this question. I was going to make it public but felt we would get a truer response with a private poll.
If those bitches step over the line you mean, right? Can't be no disrespecting my shit. Of course not, only in extreme situations. Threat with a deadly weapon or deadly force upon you or a loved one. _
Obviously there is some reasonable thresh hold where you need to defend yourself with force. I'm not sure it's only when your life is in danger, but for sake of the poll I'll assume that is the reasonable thresh hold. To me it comes down to the fact that men are physically superior to women, just like they are to children. Most men can restrain most women without punching them if they need to. That doesn't mean it's right for a woman to physically attack a man. Girls need to be taught respect and accountability by there parents too.
Of course. But lack of respect and accountability should not mean it's open season to haul off and slug them. Btw, did you know there's a difference between 5-9 230 pounds and 6-4 and 230 pounds? Someone said that here. In all seriousness. I guess the inference is that getting slam fisted by one of them hurts less than getting slam fisted by the other. Which makes one of them even more justifiable and acceptable. _
I don't condone women hitting men. Everyone should just keep their hands to themselves, but unless she has a weapon and you're in fear for your life.... walk away. If it reaches a point where you feel like you're going to hit her just...walk away. Just leave! If you can't ie. being in an elevator for example there are ways you can restrain her and then leave.
I agree there may be some instances where bodily harm could be done and it is needed as a defense but being the situation which provoked this thread was a woman spitting on a man I think we can all make a sensible judgment in answering the poll. This poll in no way means those answering "no" give free reign for a woman to do as she pleases but I think most of us know what an acceptable response is. I think the 2 specific posters that I know will answer "yes" to the poll think that just because they feel disrespected in any way that this gives them license to hit a woman.
Further, there is no one in that other thread that once said what she did was acceptable, perfectly ok, not a big deal, her right because she had a vagina. All red herrings. _
If the woman is a MMA or UFC contender, you might have to resort to something a bit more substantial than a bear hug. If the woman has a weapon like say, a broken bottle, knife etc, I would like to think you are justified in defending yourself. The women in my old neighborhood were quite capable of putting the hurt on a man and it happens more often than you may think. Mostly because men don't want it publicized that they got smashed by a female. This kinda brings to mind the guy in the West Village McDonalds that went to work on those two women that jumped the counter and came at him. He wore em out and was acquitted I think. Was he justified? IMO he was. Generally though, as a man you're better off bailing than standing your ground when it comes to difficulties with women. Its a battle you will never, ever win no matter the circumstance.
I didn't vote, because it's not as clear cut as "your life is in danger". It's about getting assaulted. Everybody talks about equal rights and some folks believe that it is acceptable for a woman to strike a man but not vice versa. That is sexist and hypocritical. If a woman hits a man, a man has every right to hit her back. Now obviously, I'm not saying beat the shit out of her over a weak slap to the face, but if she strikes you first she has assaulted you, so if you hit her in retaliation, it is justified. If a chick slaps you in the face, you respond with a simple backhand across the mouth, don't wind up and go for the Tyson knockout punch. I'll probably get bashed for this opinion, but in today's progressive world this is the truth. I don't think either person should be physically fighting with each other but don't start something if you can't finish it, that's all I'm saying. I also don't personally believe that a woman spitting on you justifies hitting her either.
Of course there can be some extenuating circumstances but for the sake of this poll my thought was do you think it is OK to hit a woman for a minor indiscretion including being slapped. If a woman slaps you across the face and you have the chance to just walk away are you going to punch her or not? I for one would just walk away but the yes option is for those that would not just walk away.
If a woman slaps you in the face, you should have a right to slap her in the face. That doesn't mean knock her out or go full out Tyson on her and break her nose. I feel that women too often feel like they have the right to do that, but they don't. Slapping a man in the face is assault. Obviously each situation is different. For me personally, I'd try to ignore it and walk away but if she kept it up, and kept hitting me, then she's getting socked and I won't feel bad about it at all. I think it's wrong for either one to hit either one, but once it happens, all bets are off. You can't expect to attack somebody without getting attacked back. I'm generally a non violent person and I refuse to fight most people, regardless of their gender. I've walked away from many fights in my day, I'm essentially a pacifist so chances are if it was a chick I'd do the same. But as far as equality, if you hit someone you should expect to get hit back. That's my take on it at least. I guess that makes my vote a yes, but only in self defense if she hit you first.