Introducing the game of the decade: GTA V

Discussion in 'Video Games' started by mute, Aug 17, 2013.

  1. Drew

    Drew Active Member

    Nov 6, 2004
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    Just beat it tonight. Great game. The ending in my opinion left a little to be desired, but otherwise it was fantastic.

    It felt sorta short to me. I don't play daily or for long periods of time so it took me a while to beat... but I truly felt like story mode flew by.
  2. FinFan4Ever

    FinFan4Ever Member

    Jul 2, 2004
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    Which option did you choose with Franklin...A, B or C.
  3. deerow84

    deerow84 Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2012
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    Just a heads up for online: Rockstar is giving $500,000 to all players who player online in October to apologize for the issues. So if you haven't got online yet do it asap. BTW, they will apparently be issues as two separate payments one as early as this coming week.
  4. Drew

    Drew Active Member

    Nov 6, 2004
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    That's awesome about the 500k.
  5. mute

    mute Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2010
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    Will finally be getting this game on PC. :) WATCH in 1080p

    Grand Theft Auto V Coming this Fall to PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC

    Today we're proud to announce that the critically-acclaimed and record-breaking Grand Theft Auto V is coming this fall to PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.

    Grand Theft Auto V will take full advantage of the power of the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC with across-the-board graphical and technical improvements to deliver a stunning new level of detail. Increased draw distances, finer texture details, denser traffic, and enhanced resolutions all work together to bring new life to the cities, towns, deserts and oceans of Rockstar North’s epic reimagining of Southern California.

    Switch between the interconnected lives of Michael, Trevor and Franklin as they embark on a series of heists across Los Santos and Blaine County in the biggest, deepest and richest open world experience yet, with game world enhancements that include new wildlife, upgraded weather and damage effects, and an array of new details to discover.

    The new generation upgrades also extend to Grand Theft Auto Online, an ever-evolving Grand Theft Auto universe. Rise through the criminal ranks by banding together to complete Jobs for cash, purchase properties, vehicles and character upgrades, compete in traditional competitive modes, or create your own content to play and share with the Grand Theft Auto community.

    All new content and gameplay created since the launch of Grand Theft Auto Online, including an extensive array of new Jobs, an arsenal of new weapons, scores of new vehicles, new properties and player customizations will also be available for the PlayStation 4 system, Xbox One and PC with much more to come. In addition, the current community of players will have the ability to transfer their Grand Theft Auto Online characters and progression to their choice of PlayStation 4, Xbox One or PC.

    Grand Theft Auto V for PC will also feature a video editor designed for advanced movie-making.

    Check out the new video that debuted tonight during Sony's E3 press conference above, and visit to pre-order.


    There also will be more animals (more believable this time as they will act more natural, roam in packs, hunt, etc), more weather effects, blah blah blah. Also newer content but they havent specified yet what exactly. Basically what GTA5 should of been in the beginning but couldnt be due to old hardware. Here are the before and after.




    and of course the vid clearly shows the difference more as these gif images are low quality.
    #45 mute, Jun 14, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2014
  6. Umphpool

    Umphpool Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    Still play this every time im bored and drive around, I feel like I always find something new
    mute likes this.
  7. mute

    mute Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2010
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    Thats one of the things i like about the newer gtas. The level of detail put into these games are insane!
  8. Umphpool

    Umphpool Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    Even the older ones I have GTA 3 for my iphone and theres still areas that trip me up. Good on Rockstar for creating timeless classics
  9. Poeman

    Poeman Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    I want to buy a PS4...But I have yet to beat GTA, I want to do that before i move to next console...I stopped for a while
  10. Umphpool

    Umphpool Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    Good idea even though theres not many games for the PS4 yet
  11. mute

    mute Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2010
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  12. NYJalltheway

    NYJalltheway Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2004
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    I don't understand. Hasn't that game always had first person since gta3?
  13. mute

    mute Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2010
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    No, its been 3rd person. No 1st person option.

    Ima usin Tapatalkie.
  14. NYJalltheway

    NYJalltheway Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2004
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    There has always been the option to change cam view while driving. I know it.
  15. mute

    mute Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2010
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    yeah but only to put the camera on the hood, not cockpit. But I guess you are right in that on the hood is 1st person for the car only.
  16. mute

    mute Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2010
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  17. mute

    mute Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2010
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  18. mute

    mute Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2010
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  19. mute

    mute Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2010
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    The second haul of high-end goods currently en route to Los Santos' luxury shops and dealerships. We're pleased to announce that the Ill-Gotten Gains Update: Part Two will arrive for all platforms next week, on Wednesday July 8th. This new collection of extravagant attire and potent transportation also includes the debut of the previously PC-exclusive 'The Lab' radio station across all four console platforms.

    Stay tuned for more details on next week's update, including particulars for our second Ill-Gotten Gains Social Club Event Weekend kicking off on Friday, July 10th. For now, check out a sample of what’s coming up via our screenshot gallery - and for players who didn’t get last year’s Independence Day Special, look for the return of old favorites at reduced rates, including the Firework Rocket Launcher.

    From the San Chianski Mountain Range to the sidewalks of Vinewood Boulevard, the stylish Coil Brawler is equipped to handle any terrain.

    Docktease expands its fleet with the classic Lampadati Toro.

    New shipments of clothing and accessories are available at high end retailers across Los Santos.

    The Invetero Coquette BlackFin offers a new body style on an old favorite.

    The extremely powerful and damaging, single-shot Marksman Pistol.

    The blazingly fast Progen T20 is built from the ground up for quick getaways and street-tuning.

    Knuckledusters from Ammu-Nation offer a personal way to connect with new friends all over Los Santos.

    Represent your local custom shop in the Vapid Chino with a Los Santos Customs Plaque.

    Luxury meets raw power with the Dinka Vindicator.

    GTA Online ILL-GOTTEN GAINS Update: Part One Now Available
  20. mute

    mute Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2010
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    GTA Online Player-Created Jobs: Inspired by The Epsilon Program
    Posted 1 day, 1 hour ago | Author: R* X | Filed Under: Social Club, Games

    Truth seekers rejoice, the time is nigh to partake in player-created GTA Online Jobs inspired by the Epsilon Program. Don't be an antithesis, bookmark these Epsilon Program-themed Jobs on Social Club to experience them for yourself. Kifflom!

    Cult of Cash by Reaper-5150 (PC)
    "Cults love money, but so do you. Steal back the money from the Epsilon Program! KIFFLOM"

    You and your team find yourselves battling it out in and around The Epsilon Program headquarters in the second Job created by the Leader of the Benvenuti Family on PC. You're up against not only the rival unit, but also droves of cultists protecting the apocalypse funds they've bilked over the years. There are tons of Health and Armor pickups within the gates and a respawn will land you on a motorcycle that will allow you to easily maneuver your way back into the Epsilon Building.

    Gunshots ring out at the Epsilon Headquarters in Cult Of Cash.

    * BLOOD N' FIRE * by GerardDepardieux (PS3 & PS4)
    Violent fights on top of Mount Chiliad. Take a drink. Enjoy the view. KIFFLOM"

    This Team Deathmatch fittingly takes place at the location of the first Epsilon Tract. Set to night with forced Molotovs as your starting weapon, put the flame to your enemies as you gather the Baseball Bats, Crowbars and Nightsticks that have been scattered around to finish off your charred foes.

    Altruist Camp Offensive by Griefballer99 (Xbox 360 & Xbox One)
    The cultists must defend themselves against the Cult Stoppers. The cultists have a wide range of weapons but no transport, and the Cult Stoppers are armed with Military vehicles but only a Combat MG."

    As Leader of The Shrekist Church, a Crew whose followers dedicate their lives to the Ogrelord Shrek, Griefballer99 may know a thing or two about cults. In this LTS, the Cult Stoppers have shifted their focus from the Epsilon Program to target the Altruists. Mentioned in the Job's description, one team will have a variety of transport options while the other will have heavy artillery. If you’ve spawned at the Paleto Forest Sawmill, your best bet is to grab up the Insurgent-Pickup fitted with its powerful .50 caliber machine gun. If your home base is the Altruist Camp, have a teammate head up to the guard tower where there is a strategically placed RPG to take out the opposing team vehicles.

    Going With The Downflow by DannBoeing (PC)
    "Let go. Let the flow wash over you. Let it wash away all your troubles. Breathe. Leave the city behind you. Let Kraff take the wheel. Envelope yourself in his warm embrace. Enter the 10th Paradigm. Listen to the words of the wind and the trees. Only the descendants of Kraff can hear them. Let the flow be your guide. Hydroplane yourself to enlightenment. A new plane of existence. Be one with Kraff. Kifflom Brother! And may infinite peace and wisdom be yours!"

    The Leader of the Don’t Judge Me Monkey Crew has created 26 Races so far on PC. This particular Epsilon-inspired one spans Tongva Hills, Tongva Valley and Banham Canyon. To make for a more challenging Race, use the default laps and weather settings so you can "hydroplane yourself to enlightenment".

    Supercars hydroplane round a tight turn in Going With The Downflow.

    Kifflom! by Kingglo_the_Pro (PS3 & PS4)
    "The antitheses attacked our Epsilon Center. It's time to fight for Kraff, brother-brother! Kifflom!"

    This Deathmatch in the heart of The Epsilon Program Headquarters has Spawn Points spread out evenly throughout the map, so while you won’t know where you’ll end up you can rest assured that you’ll land not too far from a much needed Armor or ammo refill. Head for higher ground and make use of the Sniper Rifles strategically placed around the roof, or nab some Sticky Bombs and attach them where your enemies least expect it.

    San Chianksi Race by chocolate83 (Xbox 360 & Xbox One)
    "Venez arpenter ces vertigineuses montagnes reputés selon Fabien Larouche et Cris Formage pour y dégager un karma très bienveillant. Il est indéniable de dire que vous y trouverez la paix éternelle.....littéralement." (Translation: “Stride across these breathtakingly high mountains, famous for emitting a benevolent karma, according to Fabien Larouche and Cris Formage. There is no doubt that you will find... eternal peace there.“)

    LE Clan Pasta’s own chocolate83 has created this challenging Bike Race starting at the San Chianski Mountain Range, winding through Mount Gordo and finishing in the industrial community of Grapeseed. Don’t go too fast as you make your way on the spines of the mountain ranges, one wrong move and you will find yourself face first in a mound of dirt. Since a majority of this race is off-road, hop on a custom Sanchez for your best shot at "eternal peace".

    And make sure to tune in this Friday, August 28th at 5pm ET (that’s 10pm BST and 2pm Pacific) to watch The Rockstar Broadcast Team playing these Jobs live with invited creators and other special guests – at and Make sure to subscribe and follow Rockstar in both places to get automatically notified when the livestream begins.

    Have you constructed a uniquely-themed Job? Drop us a link either here in the Newswire comments section or via Mouthoff so we can check it out and possibly share it with the GTA Online community.

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