Jason Pierre Paul backflippin' like a mo fo. Echoes of Jarron Gilbert... This is all well and good, but can he pull out that many when the pads are on, is what the scouts want to know. :smile: [YOUTUBE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4-1e6Faglw[/YOUTUBE]
That's cool... When that results in kicking the ball out of a RBs hand, i'll be the first to suggest a trade up.
Bahaa. I don't know why but I find the funniest part of the video to be when the one guy in the background says "Awww he done lost all equilibrium". Like Mick said, this is all great in proving athleticism, but how does he use that athleticism on the field and how does it translate into what teams are looking for in quality NFL players, not NFL athletes. Without pads on Gholston ran a 4.6 40. I don't think I've seen him run anywhere as fast as that in the time I've seen him on the field. However, I know Gholston is just one example of a bust, and supposedly JPP is a pretty nice prospect, so I'm not making any judgements or anything...