If you've listened to anything Richardson has ever said, he is the one who is going to be hard to re-sign. He now is claiming he is the best player in the NFL. I love him as a player, but not even Revis was as outspoken about himself. When Richardson is up, he is going to want to be paid as the top in the NFL. Fun times to be a Jet negotiator.
I remember someone saying he plans to sign with the Rams whenever he reaches Free Agency. Obviously we don't know if that is true or not, but who knows? If he keeps up his play, he will cost a lot. Definitely worth it though.
It's not that Mo is hard to sign. It's really deciding if he's worth paying for, given we have Sheldon and Leonard (output pending).
I don't think he will be as hard to sign because we'll have the money to do so... (still wont be paying a franchise QB). Revis is probably outta here once his yearly drops if he's still worth it which is in about 2,3 years. Harris contract is up in 3 years. I'm sure Cro will be gone. Brick honestly i wouldn't mind letting go if we can draft his replacement in the next 3 years. Marshall will be gone.. Gilchrist we can let go at anytime if he doesn't play up to expectation. I think we'll have the cap space to lock Richardson up by that time. ANd when it's leonard williams time... shit wilk will be on the other side of 30.. if we front load wilks contract now Williams shouldn't be as hard to pay later. I think we'll be fine.
1. We don't know anything about Wilkerson and his negotiation tactics. We could be completely low-balling him for all we know. 2. Just because Sheldon is outspoken doesn't mean he'll be hard to negotiate. Revis (before being traded) was much harder for the Jets to sign than Sherman was for the Seahawks to sign. Sheldon will get paid and deservingly so but I won't label him hard to negotiate just yet.
If that's how the defense is set up, then so be it. Stout DL makes everyone better. Jets can actually get by just fine with 2nd tier talent at LB and secondaries with such a fearsome DL lineup. [Jets didn't have 2nd tier secondary last year, by the way.]
this is one of the reasons i would sign Mo. Rich may or may not be difficult to negotiate with when the time comes. he may or may not suffer an injury between now and then. Leonard Williams may or may not be another stud on the Dline. re-upping Mo gives us the most flexibility to make good decisions down the line. we may even decide to have both players beyond 2017. lots can happen between now and then.
It all depends on what Mo can be extended at. Extending Mo at a very high level gives the Jets substantially less flexibility in the near term. It puts a lot of pressure on the offense to make do with what's already there. If Mo gets hurt or doesn't live up to the high numbers the Jets are in a pickle. I understand exactly what they're doing with him at this point. They're being very careful not to let him become a focal point around which everything else has to rotate. That's what you do when you have the talent they have and also have at least one gaping hole on the roster (QB) with the three best players on offense (Mangold, D'Brick and Marshall) all on the wrong side of 30.
Yeah as the contract like any other, can give or take or be good or bad. Or lives or not live up to expectations.
agreed, pay him fair and well, but don't overpay. maybe 11M per year range, or even 12M per with less slightly less guaranteed. from the Jets standpoint, the motivation to sign now would be to get him at slightly less overall, by accelerating his inevitable raise into this year. both parties have something to gain with that approach. if it's not a reasonable price, then they don't do anything until next year. but there are risks for both sides by waiting until next offseason, which is the flip side. i'm hoping they can do it now, at that reasonable (albeit high) price.
He was joking around when he said it, how did you miss that? And of course he will be harder to re-sign, he's better than Mo right now.
i don't agree that he's better than Mo right now. i think year over year, the healthier player will be the better player, and it could go back and forth. in 2 years tho, with the cap going up like it has been, Rich probably looking at a 15M per contract.
In the Mo thread ppl say having Richardon and Williams gives the Jets the leverage when negotiating with Mo. Looking ahead 2 years having Mo and Williams will give the Jets leverage when negotiating with Richardson. So sign Mo now which will make dealing with Richardson a lot easier down the road. He won't have the Jets over a barrel.
Why even worry about signing a player three years from now? Let's enjoy watching him turn into one of the best Jets of all time; then worry about signing him.