"If Fans were GMs" Mock Draft v2.0

Discussion in 'Draft' started by Trifco, Apr 11, 2011.

  1. WW85


    Nov 10, 2003
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    I can only picture Bowers as a 4-3 end.
  2. JohnnyThaJet

    JohnnyThaJet Active Member

    Apr 13, 2009
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    I mean he could play at DE in a 3-4 but it would be an extreme waste of a pick. His obvious best position would be 4-3 and only 4-3 DE.
  3. Trifco

    Trifco New Member

    Oct 1, 2009
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    About Pats drafting Bowers:

    Like I said in the original post, I'm not convinced on that one.
    It was one of the hardest teams to read and I couldn't tell what do they want and I know I wasn't sure that it was a right choice.

    Then, why did I pick Bowers in there?

    a) First, they're convinced that they will trade and then, they have way too many picks; so unlike any other team focusing in only a handful of players within their reach, mentioning pros and cons of drafting them, overanalizing them and creating camps of each prospect... they're not focusing on no one, everybody is a possible pick. There's no favourite. They're all pretty "meh" about everyone (except trading up and getting someone like Quinn).

    b) Bowers is a great talent in a very special situation. His knee is still a real problem, even microsurgery has been mentioned as a possibility with risk of losing the whole year, and his proday was a total mess.
    Top teams are now totally scared of drafting him.
    Then for the rest of the teams there's always someone throwing the idea "I hear Bowers may be available when we pick... he's a talent we should consider" and then everybody jumps and say that it's a terrible idea, if Bowers falls is for a reason and they would be crazy to risk their first round pick in that kind of player, no matter how good.

    c) Back to the Patriots, when someone mentioned Bowers as a possibility, NOBODY is excited about drafting him, but also they're not against the idea specially when they consider that they're the ones that can have the luxury of risking a high pick on that guy.

    So that's it. I can't say that they WANT Bowers, but at the same time I can't say that they WANT anybody.
    In the end they're blindly willing to accept whatever players or whatever number of 2012 picks that Bellichick gets in a couple of weeks and they're not against Bowers.


    A rather easy way to have an alternative option: Bucs fans are not totally against the idea of drafting Bowers... at 20 they consider that probably it's worth the risk.
    And since Aldon Smith would be acceptable for the pats, then let's make it that way:
    17 - Pats - Aldon Smith
    20 - Bucs - DaQuann Bowers

    News about Bowers' knee will be obviously decisive for many teams' draft boards.

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