I need Help- New Season Ticket Holder!

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by ober51, Jun 2, 2008.

  1. ober51

    ober51 New Member

    May 30, 2008
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    Hey Guys-

    I am a new member. After 13 years, the wait is finally over. I put my name on the Jets season waiting list and yesterday my number was called. I am 25 and finally a NYJets season ticket member. I need some help, and quick, so I am begging you all for input.

    I am going to buy 4 tickets, however, I may have the opportunity to buy the rights to 2 more tickets 15 rows up on the 50. My questions is, if I buy the 4, get the two, is there a market for me to sell 2 of the tickets to other Jets fans? I don't want 6 tickets, so I would like to just sell them here or on stubhub or through the NY Jets, or ebay, etc...do you know if I would be successfull in doing that? Not legally, because I understand that part, but rather just in terms of there being willing buyers to do so. Please help, let me know your opinions. Thanks in advance.

    Oh, and I am seriously pumped up that I am finally one of you. Lets go Jets.
  2. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    stub hub can help you out with those two extra every week.. with the new players and stadium coming more fans will want to come.. plus if your seats are that good, you will find someone to buy them... just dont price them too high :)
  3. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    As long as they do not have a year like last year there will be a market.
  4. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    Just let someone else on the waiting list who has been patiently waiting for years like yourself buy those 2 seats.
  5. Wah

    Wah Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Please don't hoard tickets if you aren't gonna use them. Once you have to pay a PSL, you aren't gonna keep them anyway, so what is the point of doing this?
  6. Jersey Joe 67

    Jersey Joe 67 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    the tickets will always be valuble to sell, however, does the 2 you want to sell include the parking permit? big selling point, with the limited spaces.
    also, my suggestion to you is, sell them as a season ticket package, not individual games(week to week). trust me, nobody wants to buy tickets when we're 2 and 8. not that we ever will be again, but...
  7. Goodrich

    Goodrich Banned

    Apr 17, 2007
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    it took you 13 years? I want to get onto the waiting list now, any idea how long that would take me to get a chance to buy them?
  8. GreyhoundJet

    GreyhoundJet Active Member

    Jan 1, 2006
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    They told me 10 when I put my name on about 6 months ago. However, with the new stadium and PSL's I'm sure that number will go down.
  9. jixxjr

    jixxjr Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2002
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    A few things that I learned as a long time season ticket holder.

    #1. A lot of people will tell you that they want tickets to such and such a game but when it comes time for them to come up with the money. They never do. Also, friends and family will expect YOU to GIVE them tickets on occasion. This is especially true when there comes a time when you simply cannot make it (Wedding, birthday, flu, etc) to the game.
    #2. When the weather is nice, EVERYBODY will want to go but, once it turns cold, or it is supposed to rain/snow. You'll have trouble even giving them away.
    #3. Everybody wants tickets when the team is winning but if the team goes into a slump and isn't playing well, All the people who said that they wanted to go to a game will vanish.
    #4. Nobody wants to go to, or pay for, preseason games. Look at Stub Hub and you'll see preseason tickets that normally go for $80 selling for $20. Considering that most of the stadium is empty (I'd guess 80% no shows) you'd be lucky to even get that much.
    And finally
    #5. If the person that you sell your tickets to gets drunk, rowdy, creates a problem (gets into a fight) etc, the team will strip you of all your season tickets. You are ultimately responsible for the behaviour of whomever sits in your seats so be VERY careful as to whom you sell your tickets to. It's written on the agreement that you receive when you get your tickets. It did happen to a friend of mine who scalped his tickets outside the stadium a few years back because he couldn't go to the game. He sold them to a couple of guys in their early or mid 20's. They got VERY intoxicated and caused all sorts of problems ending up in a huge fight. Because resale (read scalping) is considered illegal by the team, my friend had no defense. He received a letter a few weeks later saying that the Jets were suspending his rights to buy the tickets because of breach of contract. Be careful that you don't get screwed because of some idiot that thinks that getting shitfaced, loud and obnoxious is the only way to watch a football game. In a lot of sections, there are people that have been going to every game for decades and they all know each other and they will not tolerate any boorish behaviour by a few drunk (never had any problems with people that were sober) idiots. All they have to do is to grab the guy at the top of the stairs and say a few select words and whomever is in those seats tends to be removed. This is especially true in sections of older people with young children or women.

    I've had tickets ever since the Jets moved to the Meadowlands and I have seen all the above happen to myself and to friends who had tickets. My best advice would be to find out who will go to every game and just go to the game with that person. If you are going to get 4 tickets and have 4 people that will go to every game, make sure you get the money when you get your notice that your renewal is due. If you do not do this, you WILL end up eating a lot of tickets and at $80+ per ticket, and that does add up to a lot of cash in a very short amount of time.
    Going to, and seeing the game live is an experience that is incomparable to anything else. For me, it is almost a religious experience. Unfortunately, with ticket prices today, it can also be a very expensive experience. Just be careful that you don't make it a lot more expensive than what it has to be.
  10. Royal Tee

    Royal Tee Girls juss wanna have fun

    Dec 31, 2002
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    Some of the Best advice I have ever seen on this board. The sad part is that it's all true. :beer:

    While everyone (or at least myself) try to give people the benefit of the doubt, there are so many times that it bites you in the ass only to realize how FOS some people really are.

    but , C'est la Vie. Live and Learn but don't get burned.
  11. dougb

    dougb Member

    Jul 21, 2008
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    did the jets offer you all tix in the uppers- or did they offer you some in lower sections?
  12. Lord of Sec. 107 row

    Aug 7, 2008
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  13. Dan

    Dan Member

    Aug 23, 2008
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    jixxjr speaks the absolute truth. I could not agree more.
  14. JETSFAN1290

    JETSFAN1290 Banned

    Mar 4, 2008
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    jixxjr 1 of the best posts ive read on a Jets board in my life!
  15. 319-1-x4

    319-1-x4 New Member

    Jul 15, 2007
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    sell your tickets on eBay BEFORE the season starts. Include the parking pass too or they will not sell as quickly or for as much as you would think. You can either list them as a season package or individual games. Just list them before the season starts. Hope diminishes quickly for the Jets fans as do any profits.

    If you can take another pair, do it. NFL tickets are a premium commodity. Meaning there are only so many. Many years I wasn`t able to give Jets tickets away. Now with eBay, I sell what I don`t use and have been regaining my losses from years gone by where I`d eat the tickets. Pre-season games are a major loss. Get whatever you can for them. Even if it`s only $50 for all 4 tickets and the parking pass. Otherwise you can give them away, eat them, go to the waste game or donate them to a charity for a 30% write off which means you lose about 70% of the value. Either way, get what you can for the pre-season games.

    If you are splitting the copsts with buddies, GET THE MONEY UP FRONT!!! DO NOT DISH OUT A RED CENT! You`ll always get screwed in the arse. Trust me. Been there, done that.

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