With all the hatred people having the the Jets Coaching Staff I feel like I should balance the scales a bit by naming something I love, mainly my personal game of the year Mass Effect. Certainly it has numerous quirks but I beat it last week and let me just stay it's an experience like no other. Plot/Battle System/Character Dev (Wrex is the best character of the year in games) it all comes together quite well in this game.
I thought the other team members were pretty underdeveloped compared to other Bioware games but I really liked the conversation system.
I didn't follow who was working on this game but things came together very well. Sure it has its flaws....but it does certain things better then any other game I can think of.
Xbox died, right before I was going to get it. Just glad that it lasted through Halo 3, COD 4, Assassin's Creed, Orange Box, GH3 recently.
Mass effect was(is) the shit. Best story by far this past year. Great system, where your actions and decisions actually have large effects on the gameplay. I heard it's a trilogy too.
I bought it about a week ago, its fucking great. I'm around the part where you have to find benezia, where you take the tram to. I agree about wrex, he's my favorite of the squad. The carnage blast is great.
Hehe, haven't poked my head in the Video Games Section in a while...it's good to see people enjoying Mass E. They have some downloadable content coming out next month. I'll check it out and let you know if its worth the $$$.
Resurrecting this old thread, I got this game a few weeks ago and it's blown me away. I loved Knights of the Old Republic, and even though I love Star Wars, I think Mass Effect takes the cake for me. I wish I had gotten on this train sooner. Oh, Bioware's officially revealing Mass Effect 2 in March. I can't wait to see how the rest of the story turns out.