How Tim Tebow Became the Least-Wanted Man in the Entire NFL

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by Footballgod214, Feb 12, 2013.

  1. Footballgod214

    Footballgod214 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2005
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  2. TNJet

    TNJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    Good article, hope he has success.
  3. Dennis

    Dennis New Member

    Oct 1, 2012
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    The Bleacher Report?!?!


  4. Itsjustme

    Itsjustme Member

    Aug 28, 2012
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    Shockingly well written for the Bleacher Report - I even checked the URL!!

    Very fair assessment of the situation.
  5. Cman68

    Cman68 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I thought it was a pretty good article as well. I wish the kid luck in the future and perhaps one day he'll have that "aha" moment where he'll realize that he's just not the kind of QB teams in the NFL want at this time. Perhaps a stint in the CFL would do the kid some good.
  6. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Decent enough article, but still very slanted in my opinion.
  7. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Nahhh, it only looks that way because you've only got one shoe on.

  8. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    As for the article itself. I thought it was pretty spot on. The fanaticism that follows him will always be a part of the equation. It is the one thing he has working against him that just about every other young prospect does not have.

    I also truly think a lot more teams would be willing to take him in if he didn't have that baggage, and they weren't going to have Tebowmania getting in their faces for not starting him immediately.

    There were other points in there that I thought were spot on too.
  9. JFjets

    JFjets New Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Well, you got something right for once, although not in the way you imagine. The fanaticism of Tebow's haters is beyond creepy and irrational, and no doubt it has hurt the "perception" of Tebow by the media and the general public. Don't count on it being his downfall in the eyes of decision makers in the NFL who actually know a little something about football, though. And spare me the crap about all the wise and wonderful GM's and head coaches who haven't made a play for Tebow. In case you haven't noticed, there are a lot of not so wise and not so wonderful GM's and head coaches in the NFL who wouldn't know a win if it punched them in the face. Heck, the Jaguars just came out with a pretty strong vote of confidence in Blaine Gabbert. Smart, huh?
  10. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Oh, stop. Are you serious? This is why Tebow fans are batshit crazy.

    Teams aren't avoiding Tebow because people like me don't like him as a QB. They wouldn't give a shit if he really were this big winner you guys make him out to be. Most of them see Tebow the same way the "haters" do. They see him as a DEEPLY flawed quarterback who is overhyped, overrated, and far overexposed for what his skillset is. This is backed up with the offers the Broncos got for trade. This is also backed up by teams like Jacksonville killing any talk about getting Tebow early on. Even at the peak of Tebow's career, coming off a playoff win, just TWO teams offered little more than a 4th rounder. The team that got him took one look at him and decided to put him on special teams and run him at wild cat. (Which he eventually whined about after being passed over by that guy that led the team that made him cry in that championship game against Alabama.)

    The treatment Tebow is getting around the league seems to fit what the "haters" are saying.

    They don't like having people like you in their faces insisting this guy is some sort of football god, and then call them idiots for not seeing past his inability to run a regular offense. They don't like the constant media attention either as they have seen how counter-productive it was for the Jets. too much of a headache to make bringing him in worthwhile

    You people HONESTLY believe teams and GMs suddenly stopped caring about wins and care more about looking pretty. You think THAT more likely than them simply thinking he just can't play, and don't like unjustified hype that comes with it.

    It isn't that they don't want to win. those guys who "know a little bit about football" (as you put it) simply don't believe the nonsense you spew that starting Tebow automatically means wins in the win column. He is a DEEPLY flawed quarterback, and the only people that can't see that are people like yourself.

    ...and the media doesn't "hate" him either. They LOVE the kid, he's been their meal ticket since his Gator days, and to some extent even in his high school days. Christ, Sports Center spent the entire day celebrating his birthday. (I had no idea on that one until I read the posted article above.)

    Yeah, okay. Teams don't know a win if it hit them in the face... so stick that guy in there that can't throw, can really only run, can't read defenses, and throws dirt missiles all day in practice, and spends a good portion of his Sundays going three and out and punting the ball away... and thinking that is a winning recipe. no wonder you don't have a job in the NFL.

    I think it is funny Tebowners are hoping the Patriots pick him up. You really think their idea would be to groom Tebow to be Brady's successor? You know what they'd do? They'd make him a WildCat QB, which is what McDaniels wanted to do when he drafted him. Hmm...... Didn't he JUST complain about that role?
    #10 Concerned_Citizen, Feb 13, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2013
  11. usc1978

    usc1978 New Member

    May 29, 2011
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    I can assure you that I didn't hate Tebow before he came to New York. I was excited about the trade. I hate everything that comes with him, the fans, the constant media attention and I hate that he was supposed to be this good locker room influence but ended up being a selfish guy that players seem to hate playing with.

    There are lots of bad players that have been on this team and any other team that the fans didn't count down the seconds until they were gone. Like CC alluded to above, the "haters" aren't an issue. When Tebow gets cut, no other team is going to pass on him because there are fans in New York and fans in Denver don't like him.
  12. PaPZ187

    PaPZ187 Member

    May 10, 2010
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    I have never had a like or dislike for Tebow until it was reported he didn't want to be a WC QB anymore or run the WC and only wanted to be a "regular" QB.

    Guess what? Brad Smith didn't want to be a WR, or Special Teams player, etc......he wanted to be an NFL QB as well, and despite being drafted in the 4th round (as oppose to 1st) he had a hell of a college career breaking rushing and passing records. Did that stop Brad from doing whatever the hell he could to help his team? NO.

    I can understand Tebows frustration since he has been the starting QB of a NFL team who won a playoff game and he was a 1st round draft pick.......but you are the PLAYER, not the COACH OR GM. You don't make those decisions. There is no conspiracy against you to be a starting QB in the NFL. You have to earn that position from the decision makers, and currently there is not one team wanting to give you a starting spot at you do what is asked of you and do it to the best of your ability.

    I wish Tebow luck and hope he succeeds, but he does not DESERVE SHT from anyone.

    Think about it......a QB taken in the 1st round just two years removed, coming off a playoff win.......and the best offer is a 4th rounder for him???? That is very telling.

    Hell, some idiot took Jamarcus Russell 1st overall, Leaf 2nd overall, etc.......doesn't mean that was their overall worth as a only takes 1 GM to make you a first rounder.....that doesn't mean the other 31 teams think he was worth it.

    Sent from my LG-P999
  13. Bill Belichdouche

    Bill Belichdouche Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2009
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    didn't read, but im gonna assume its the combination of ESPN and the TeBros
  14. JFjets

    JFjets New Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Not saying they don't want to win, just saying a bunch of GM's and head coaches are basically incompetent and don't know how to win, with Tim Tebow or any other QB. I don't give a flip what those guys think about Tebow. Most of the good GM's and head coaches who already know how to win already have franchise QB's and aren't in the market.

    Just like with QB's, just because a GM or coach has the technical knowledge of the game of football doesn't mean he's necessarily any good at his job. 18 TEAMS had a .500 or below W/L record last year. 18! 20 in 2011. 18 in 2010. 17 in 2009. 16 in 2008. 19 in 2007. Should I continue? These geniuses are the ones I'm supposed to be upset about not wanting Tebow?:lol:

    Sure, of course they love the ratings, but they hate everything he stands for personally. Liberal political philosophy isn't just the norm in the majority of "news" media, it also extends to the "sports" media, believe me.

    9-7. Try all you want, you can't erase it.
  15. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    ^lulz keep telling yourself that bro

    As I've said before, when it comes to Tebow, there is no such thing as a "hater".
  16. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    Rex Ryan has won plenty of games here and has had two deep playoff runs with a shitty QB. Are you trying to tell us that he is incompetent and doesn't know how to win?

    Tebow blows, that's why Rex passed him over for a shitty 7th round draft pick when Sanchez couldn't get out of his own way this season.
  17. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Yeah, I'll say that he's incompetent at this point. Probably over half this board agrees with me which is why so many were pissed that he wasn't fired along with Tanny. And yeah, as far as offense goes, Rex doesn't have a freaking clue.
  18. JFjets

    JFjets New Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Rex is a great Defensive mind and a good coordinator. He is not a great head coach. If he ever gets fired from the Jets, I don't expect he'll get another shot as a Head coach/decision maker any time soon.
  19. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    If Rex is incompetent, explain his early success. I can't wait to hear the tebot explanation of this.

    But there is a huge difference between being GREAT and what you said which is "don't know how to win". You don't have the type of success he's had here as a HC on just being a great DC and clearly he knows how to win.
  20. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    The article was mostly just a recapping of events that we all know about. It wasn't great or terrible, it was just the cliff notes version of Tebows career.

    The best point made though was at the end when he said why would anyone want to pick up Tebow now when they can draft a similar flawed QB in the late rounds and not have the headache of the media attention and his silly fan base. That's the core reason why he will be unemployed next fall.

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