How exactly did Cutler have a good senior bowl?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by poiu, Mar 1, 2006.

  1. poiu

    poiu New Member

    Oct 1, 2004
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    I keep hearing that Cutler jumped from an early second rounder to an elite prospect from his great week at the senior bowl but the reality appears to be that he didn't have a good week at all. I have here reports from the practices so you can decide yourself:



    No mention of Cutler's performance in the report however it does mention that Cutler has a great arm.


    "One guy who I have not been as impressed with as I thought I would be is Vandy's Jay Cutler. Don't get me wrong because he hasn't been bad, but I am not sure I see a Top 10 overall pick there. He has a cannon for an arm but he might have been trying to show that off too much today and he was off on some of his passes. Also, his backdrop looks kind of choppy and he carries the ball a little low."


    "Of course going into the week a lot of the hype centered around Vanderbilt's Jay Cutler and from what I have seen he has been up and down. There have been flashes of brilliance with him and at times he looks like a future star, but he is very inconsistent. In fact, in a lot of ways he reminds me of Kyle Boller when he was coming out a few years ago. I definitely think Cutler is a first round pick, but in my mind I don't see him as a Top 10 "Can't Miss" guy by any means."

    As for the game itself, Cutler went 6-19 for 69 yards and a pick. So tell me, where did this idea that Cutler had a great week in Mobile come from.

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