Pick your poison people, how do you want to die? I'd prefer the David Carradine route myself. With a hooker, belt around my neck. Was going to do a poll, too much work and I'm grieving over Prince.
I'd like to have my flesh consumed from the inside out by an out of control army of exponentially self replicating nanobots that were supposed to be monitoring my health but instead became self aware and decided the best thing for my health would be to use my body as fuel to begin the process of destroying the human race. Either that or die peacefully in my sleep.
That's a good point. I change my answer. I'd like to die shitting my pants while being hit in the head with carry-on luggage and badly-secured babies. And then burn to death while watching what's left of my poo fall out of my severed intestines hanging from a tree branch 20 yards away. Better than a trip to Epcot.
That's all well and good but to be honest burning to death's gotta be horribly painful. I imagine the intestine severing process was at least as painful, esp since you'd be looking at them hanging in the distance. Don't you think that would ruin any pleasure you might get from observing it all happen? I might look for something just as spectacular but less painful to me.
Massive heart attack 2 days after we win the Lombardi Trophy. Tuesday in February would be nice. 48hours of pure bliss then boom.