How bout my Saints, now yall owe me ATL

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by retthib, Oct 27, 2009.

  1. retthib

    retthib New Member

    Sep 29, 2009
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    I've been away for a few. I was basically letting you guys stew over yall 3 game losing streak, been there in the start of the 2007 season. Coming off our magical 2006 ride, hopes were high in 2007, well we started the season 0-4, so I know how it feels. Luckily you guys had the Raiders to get back on track.

    I told you guys we would take care of the Fins for yall, now you guys owe me ATL when yall play them.

    MIA put up a fight but got wore down once our D stopped their running game. Dont let the score fool you, the wildcat gained 29 yards on 15 attempts. The magical replay booth not working changed the complexity of the game. That allowed MIA 30 more yards of field position, thus they punted, pinned us deep and their D came out strong coming off a bye. And MIA wants to bitch about the refs. If yall get a chance, look at Ricky Williams' lond TD run, Jake Long basically closelines Vilma, preventing him from hitting Rickey at the LOS and that wasnt called. I have a big FU to Jason Taylor & all the Fins fans. :finssuck:

    Jets fans are much more knowledgable and reasonable.

    So we took care of not only the NYG but the Fins too, so yall definately owe us ATL, please.

    Sorry to hear about Jenkins & Washington. Atleast Shonn Greene will get some touches. He appears to be the real deal. Good luck the rest of the way & tell Sanchez to eat a protein bar next time, he would catch less shit. LOL

    Yall be cool
  2. BadgerOnLSD

    BadgerOnLSD Banned

    Sep 6, 2004
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    I was happy your team beat the Fins. Obviously I hope we beat the Falcons. I'm probably going to be at that game.

    Do us a favor and beat the Pats too.
    #2 BadgerOnLSD, Oct 27, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2009
  3. rholt168

    rholt168 Active Member

    Jul 3, 2009
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    I'll be at the game with my buddy who is a huge ATL fan. I hope we mop the floor with them.
  4. retthib

    retthib New Member

    Sep 29, 2009
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    Good luck going to that dump of a stadium if its in ATL. Expect ur IQ to drop in half having to spend a Sunday surrounded by Falclown fans. Check their message boards if you dont believe me.

    And that Pats game should be exciting. Looking forward to it. Ofcourse after we drop a 50 burger on ATL & demoralize them. LOL

    Edit: Yall play ATL in NY. Good. Yall home crowd should melt Matty Ice. Yeah yall will kill them in NY.
    #4 retthib, Oct 27, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2009
  5. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    thanks for the help with the PussyCat.

    since you handed us the gameplan to beat them this should be a closer game. If Jenkins was still around the Jets would be heavily favored.
  6. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    You guys better win this week... I'm leaning towards taking you in my suicide league. It's either the Saints (with a chance to make a statement at home on Monday night) or Chicago at home against Mangina. (Going against him this year and I'm 3-0)

    As for Phin fans... I could have told you they were clueless. Check out our banned thread in the bullshit section about one of them named disembodied. He's threatening to cut peoples heads off at the stadium like he's the Taliban.

    The Saints fans that posted here were nothing but class acts and knowledgeable.... glad you came back to diss the Dolphag fans.
    #6 Barry the Baptist, Oct 28, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2009
  7. gustoonarmy

    gustoonarmy 2006-2007 Best International Poster of the

    Jan 30, 2004
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    #7 gustoonarmy, Oct 28, 2009
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2009
  8. retthib

    retthib New Member

    Sep 29, 2009
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    Thats not right but your delivery of the words made me laugh. LOL

  9. sackexchange

    sackexchange Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2003
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    That was a great game. I had a feeling when Miami let the Saints score that TD before the half, that the Saints were going to get right back in that game. Sparano made a bonehead move by calling that Time Out. He should have just let you kick the FG and taken a 24-6 lead into the locker room.

    The Saints are for real this year my friend.
  10. GreenHornet

    GreenHornet New Member

    Oct 3, 2005
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    Will womp ATL if y'all send us some crawdads and grits with creole sauce
  11. retthib

    retthib New Member

    Sep 29, 2009
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    I agree. That was huge. Then to get the INT for a TD first drive in the 2nd half, I knew we would win, eventhough it was still a dogfight. We outscored them 22-0 in the 4th Q, LOL.

    I watched the replay on NFLN lastnite & man Vilma was a beast out there. He made some hits in the first half that got the rest the D pumped up that regardless of the score, they were still going to play hard. The D gave up 2 TDs in the 1st half w/ MIA only going 23 yards combined due to turnovers.

    The MIA coaches took alot of flack for going to the passing game, but after watching the replay, we totally started to shut their run down. I mean they werent getting anything, so they had to pass.

    We blitzed our corners & our DEs & DTs did a great job holding their blocks allowing the LBs to make a play.

    Hopefully Rex Ryan can figure out how to make Henne have to beat you guys & Revis can get an INT or 2.

    Have you guys ran any 4-3 scheme this year or is it strictly a 3-4? With the loss of Jenkins, RR may have better success going to a 4-3 in the wildcat plays to get another DT on the field keeping blockers off of Bart Scott.

    But the NFL schedule kind of played out weird w/ you guys playing MIA twice in what 3 games? Seems like a fast turnaround for a division game.
  12. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Yeah, props to the Saints for beating Miami, big time.
  13. guinness77

    guinness77 Active Member

    Nov 23, 2008
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    Besides having the best avatar on this board since I've joined (the "Bitch stole my fish" being a close 2nd) this board and having very rational message board postings, the least we could do is beat the Falcons. When I was in the Dome, more than a couple of fans said, " least you guys aren't from Atlanta," lol, so I got the sense you guys really hate them. Great fans in that Dome by the way. Broke our balls, of course, but were pretty cool about it.

    BTW...I want to go back to Nawlins again. Besides the booze, I miss the food. Just a great city. I'll be back one day.
  14. RockyMtnPhinFan

    RockyMtnPhinFan New Member

    Jun 11, 2009
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    How about props to the phins for beating themselves? Let's be honest here......missed tackles, dropped passes, bad route running. We beat ourselves and had the punk ass saints on the hook and we let them off. Not to mention abandoning the running game after trying to run outside the tackles all freakin game when our strength is running between them.
    That disembodied retard is no phins fan, we don't want him. He has been banned over on finheaven AND i think here too. So believe me when i say, no phins fan is on that guys side.
  15. retthib

    retthib New Member

    Sep 29, 2009
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    Appreciate that. I think, especially after Katrina, most of the public has taken the approach, especially in this economy, to realize we strive off of tourism and appreciate when one chooses to spend their money in our city. Im sure you ran across some knuckleheads, they exist everywhere, but for the most part, most should welcome you fine.

    If you can, try to come back in February for Mardi Gras, you will enjoy the festivities, plus the 70 deg. weather would be a welcomed break from your NY winter. Alot of entertainment for free minus room, drinks & food. Or check out jazz fest, IIRC, around April or so. Its a 2 week outdoor music festival thats amazing. It can get pretty hot by April and the prices have rose throughout the year, but the acts & atmosphere are both amazing.

    And yes we hate ATL probably as much as you guys hate MIA. They are our only division foe dating back from the old NFC West. So eventhough I am not fond of CAR or TB, I have been hating ATL for much longer. From Bobby Hebert going there & coming home to beat us, them signing Morten Anderson & the same happening, Brooks not being able to ever beat his younger cousin Vick & to them lucking out & reaching a SB, which is mentioned in every argument, yes we hate them.
  16. RockyMtnPhinFan

    RockyMtnPhinFan New Member

    Jun 11, 2009
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    I predict the Saints will lose in the first round of the playoffs.......They are very beatable and if we would have played sound football, we would have easily beaten them.

    Hey Jets fans, looks like we are even with our loss of Cobbs and your loss of Washington....Who is this pooper guy ya'll have starting at nose?

    Retthib, man that is a nice avatar!!! Is that your girl or some random picture?
  17. retthib

    retthib New Member

    Sep 29, 2009
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    How about you guys could no longer run w/ success so yall had to pass, how about the replay booth not working that changed the game, how about the game is 4 quarters long & you guys got worn out. Saints are not the team that heat & humidity will affect. The weather we had at TC made MIA feel like a spring day to our guys. Your guys got worn out, which explains being outscored 22-0 in the 4th Q.

    Dice it how you want and I give MIA credit for coming out strong. Yall should have, yall had 2 weeks to prepare, so ofcourse yall would be fresh. But as I mentioned, the game is 60 minutes long, not 30. And I rather have a good 2nd half than a good 1st half, the way yall did.
  18. retthib

    retthib New Member

    Sep 29, 2009
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    Considering we will have a first round bye, I am throwing your logic to the wolves. And if "IF" was a fifth, we'd all be drunk.
  19. RockyMtnPhinFan

    RockyMtnPhinFan New Member

    Jun 11, 2009
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    You are comparing the heat of Miami to New Orleans? Thats a wash man, they play in the same type of environment. How about the stupid call of a timeout to give you guys a chance to score at the end of the first half. How about Sharper fumbling out of the endzone, for what should have been a touchback? We should have stuck with the run a bit longer, and run between the tackles. Of course Fasano/Ginn/Bess, if they all would have caught their passes this conversation would be much much different. Of course, if if's and but's were candy and nuts it'd be christmas all year long. We beat ourselves.
  20. retthib

    retthib New Member

    Sep 29, 2009
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    The TO before half gave us an extra 4 points. We won by 12. We kick a FG in that spot, we win by 8. Thats my story, Im stickn to it.

    And u cant bring up the Sharper TD cuz if the replay booth works, yall punt and we're not pinned at the endzone & the INT return to the 1 yard line doesnt happen.

    If u say yall beat yourselves, thats fine. I'll take 10 more teams saying the samething at the end of the year.

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