What a great catch. He was so in bounds before the hit. Its not like his momentum was taking him out of bounds either. His momentum was taking him towards the back of the end zone. This was a robbery.
Wow...that looks friggin indisputable too me. You know it's one of the inconsistencies of the end zone rule. A running back can stick the nose of the ball over the front edge of the white stripe (with his entire body and hands out of the endzone and it's a touchdown. Baker catches the ball and his entire body and the ball is in the end zone, and it's all in the air.
It is impossible to think that his feet would have come down out of bounds without the defenders there. This play will live in fucking infamy! TBTF
The unfortunate thing is the officials took what was an absolute amazing play; from Chad ducking the blitzing defender rolling out and hittng Baker who made one of the most amazing catches in I have ever seen and turned it into an incomplete pass that most non Jet fans have already forgotten about. If the correct call is made it's what people are talking about at work tommorow, people on the radio, MNF halftime but now it is just an incomplete pass. Thank you very much officials and then we'll get the BS story from Perrera on Wenseday about it being the right call...... blah blah blah
And that camera view isn't even down the sideline. If it were, he would appear to be even more in bounds than he is. The refs bagged the game - plain and simple. When it is this clear, calling it a blown call is just a cover your ass excuse.
The right foot looks like it will definatkey be in but he is also moving to his right pretty fast will his left foot land in bounds before any part of his body goes out of bounds? Maybe. Is it bad call? No, generally that call is not called unless its very obvious. It wasn't a bad call but rather consistent with the no calls that one generally gets on being shoved out of bounds. The call right or wrong did not cost us the game. Bad play by us and good play by the Browns cost us the game. The Browns played well and outplayed us for most of the game. Yes they tried to give us the game at the end of the game but one cannot expect to luck out and get a win in every game that we are outplayed. Eventually more than two or three players will show up for each game. Eventually the team will have to show up and play with emotion and enthusiasm. Eventually hopefully our defense will learn how to tackle. We should feel pretty lucky to have 4 wins if we had played a normal NFL schedule similar to that of the Browns we would likley have one win at the most at this point.
You've got to be freakin kidding me. Anyone with the slightest understanding of momentum can see that he would have had both feet in bounds.
Damn, I forgot about intra-universe wormholes. Those pesky hypothetical topological features of spacetime, eh?
While this all makes perfect sense it appears you didn't watch the Cowboys/Panthers game where from what I understand on 3 yes 3 seperate occasions they gave a catch to a player that was shoved out of bounds. I say apparently because I was too busy watching Rutgers improve to 8-0 so I was flipping back and forth, plus cooking dinner.
When a guy is ridden out of bounds, they usually give him the catch unless he is over the line or out of bounds prior to contact. He was in - not even close. The purpose of this call was to end the game then and there. Which it did.
The "force out" rule was invented for plays like this one ... this was a classic force out If this is not a force out, just abolish the rule because its a complete joke ... basically the official can flip a coin, heads I'll call it a force out, tails I won't I really mean that ... if this play was not the DEFINITION of a force out on a player who got shoved out of bounds while airborne, having secured the ball while in bounds, then the rule is basically a coin toss with no rhyme or reason PS. I Guarantee you if I had access to the last 100 force out calls in the NFL, if we could watch all 100 on video tape, at least 80% would look exactly like the Baker play today ... you would say, what was the difference between THOSE PLAYS and the BAKER PLAY? And the answer would be ... NOTHING ... NO DIFFERENCE WHATSOEVER
BTW, take another look at those pictures ... look real close ... do you notice anything missing? LOOK GOOD ... do you notice anything missing from those photos? Okay, I'll end the suspense ... uh, does anyone see an official in those shots?
The question is will he land straight down or on his side. He is rolling to his right. He has momentum going forwards and going to the right. The throw and the ball are pushing him to his right. If he lands on his side most likley his right side will hit out of bounds before his left foot lands in. The phot does not do justice buit his left foot is signifigantlky further away from the ground than his right foot. If he lands straight down his right foot will he hit and he will fall down. Most likely his left foot will hit before he rolls out. It can't be said for a certainty. Now if you want to talk about a bad call look at the PI call on the Browns that gave the Jets a FG. This no call was the right call. The call didn't lose the Jets the game. The Jets poor play lost the Jets the game. The Browns domninated and outplayed the Jets. The Browns did their best to gift the game back to the Jets but how many gift wins when the Hets are outplayed can one expect. We have 4 wins now. Of those 4 wins we have not won one of those games ratehr the other teams has just lost them. When a team plays as poorly and with as little emotion and enthusiam as this team does on a weekly basis we should feel pretty fortunate to have have won a few games. The Browns were the better team. I know we live in the instant gratification generation where people always have to blame someone else when things don''t go thier way. But, get over it. The call was not only a good call it was the right call. We are lucky and fortunate to be 4-4. We have 6 more winnable games left this year. If we can continue to just play bad to horrible we stand a chance to win all of those games.
I'll be looking for Perrera and Gene Washington at the Park Avenue Starbucks and I'll be giving them a piece of my mind. I'll be courteous, but if they give me their 100% BS answer, I'll catch them the next time with 10 Jets fans and then they'll really have some 'splaining to do.
I seriously doubt Chad's throw would have enough force to move a 258 lb athlete 3 feet in any direction. http://media.putfile.com/BS-FORCE-OUT-CALL-ON-CHRIS-BAKER-AT-END-OF-JETS-BROWNS