Finished the Campaign Over 2 days. About 8 hrs. total. Not bad, although the campaign to Call of Duty2 was one of the best I have ever played, GRAW's campaign has some hot ass graphics and difficulty. The online play is the main reason to get this game. The graphics are hot and online is phun as it can get. Maps are huge!! Guns are plentiful and the accuracy is tight. Overall- 8.5 (not an avg.) Graphics-9 Online-9 Replay-8 Sound-9 (Online 5.1 sounds fat too!!) The reason overall it's a 8.5 is because there is still room for improvement. It's not jaw-dropping but it's is still a must have right now.
It is! And to think, Battlefield 2 is supposed to be better. Even though BF2 got pushed back cause EA wanted to Maximize the Launch, I am eagerly anticipating it. 2 Must things though, HDTV & a 5.1 Setup!!! :wink:
I got and its pretty good, but not necessarily a must have. Oblivion should be that must have game though.
Everyone is saying, Oblivion is going to be the shiznit. I LOVE RPG's but I wasn't really impressed w/ what i've seen so far from it. For me, Battlefield 2 will be the Next Must Have.... Although , I still may give Oblivion a go.
Does anyone know when Ghost Recon is coming out for PS2? I thought it was yesterday, but I couldn't find it in any stores.
Save it. Get BF2 which comes out in a few weeks. XBOX live had a downloadable Demo of it and it rocks!!!
I just finished GRAW campaign. Awesome game! The graphics were killer. There are some real difficult parts. Call of duty 2 is on deck.
I have a question about GRAW, is there any way to save Salvatore? I found out a way to save Bravo Team, but I'm not sure if there is a way to save Salvatore.
I did both, Easy and Hard. Good Campain. COD2 Campain is probably the Best campain I have ever played!! :up: (I hope you finish it before you read this cause I don't want to over-hype it.):sad: I am in the Middle of finishing Battlefields campain... This game is HAWT!!! Feel free to send me a FR Guys so we can play!! GT: ROYAL 1