Ok so i bought madden and Head Coach in a bundle, yesterday i actually played Head Coach and although its kinda boring at parts i thought it was miles better than last years version and actually has some potential. Anyone else play it yet??
Haven't got around to it I got it with the collectors edition myself. I think they should combine some of the aspects of it into the franchise mode. Ill prob try it out this weekend.
I tried it out, i dont think it is very good. I mean i get the bidding part for the free agents, but they random shoot out garbage players every 5 minutes. Plus the draft kind of puts you to lose approval rating if you ignore your GM. The gameplay during the season is just boring
obviously the gameplay sucks. You just simulate the games but the drafting and fa is MILES better than the madden version
But madden gameplay = awesome. Head coach gameplay = like watching thomas jones repeatedly run into a computer generated O-line.