In the next decade, we as a culture will become, for the first time, nostalgic for a period captured in high-definition video. This HD, 60-frames-per-second footage taken in New York City in 1993 is a test run for grappling with the weirdness of that fact. If not for fashion of the time, the clip could be mistaken for an iPhone 6S clip. We don't have to guess what being in New York looked like in 1993; we can see it just as clearly as we would on social media today.
It's really going to mess with NFL Films. No more false graininess or slow-mo at .96 to make players seem even slower than they were compared to modern day players.
Of course, other than fashions (and hairstyles) the way to know this was taken a while ago were the appearances of the Twin Towers. Still gets me when I see video/movies/TV shows and they show up.
this is really cool. Man makes me think about how much slower things moved in that day and age without internet. Crazy, and at the same time alot of it is still the same. I notice alot of the neighborhoods they drove by