Happy new year to all the draft enthusiasts and all others here at TGG. I've enjoyed another year discussing the NFL Draft, College players and how it pertains to our NY Jets. I really enjoy our community in our small section of TGG. Hard to believe I've been on this site over 6 years, mostly in the draft section. Green Hurricane, Kurt, Jabba, MrElectric (don't remember his old handle, E what was it?) have been around almost the entire time. The amount of respect I have for you guys is of the utmost. I also appreciate the newbies, alot of really sharp individuals with good POVs. Sometimes I spend too much time on this site...going to take a small sabbatical after the end of April. Have a happy, healthy new year. Also, lot's of good karma for our beloved NY Jets in 2010 and beyond. Looking forward to our Mock in less than a month....info in the Sticky Section. I'm really excited about some of our rookies(Jam., NDmick, Mambo9) to our mock...well respected TGG members....except MBgreen (J/K). Sometimes we're a little too serious around these parts..MB can lightn it UP some ! May all your draft picks be superstars...and not a bust in the group.