I did not see a thread if its here feel free to delete,,,,,,,Happy Easter to all you out there,enjoy the time with family friends and loved ones,,,,be safe all
Same from my family to yours... Everyone just relax, spend time with your loved ones and reflect on what this holiday really is about. Be good to each other...
Not smoking today fellahs. Wifey requested roasted Prime Rib via Nu Wave Oven soooo... Happy Wife, Happy Life!
Happy Easter. Cooking the traditional Ham,Yam,Pineapple bit now... German Chocolate cake for dessert. Like CMAN, all at her request.
It's a damn good kitchen tool Byz... Large meats aren't a problem, clean up is easy too. I've used it on chicken, turkey, Rib Roast. All were handled easily and came out great. Well worth it to the Kitchen Engineer that's into fixing food quickly. FWIW, I also own a Ron Propeil too. Works great on chicken.
It's not all rainbows and unicorns. I have to work out twice a day just to keep from turning into a fat blob.
I'm Chief Cook and bottle washer in my house and Wifey is always complaining that she's gaining weight from my cooking. Those are the times where I just shut up and pretend I didn't hear her...