i just picked up the game. put the game in and xboxlive had a console update. I did the update,the console restarted and now the game is freezing/wont load. 3 red lights come on in the front sometimes. wtf? i already sent this bitch back.also,the game is in widescreen(a bar on top,and on bottom). anybody else have any issues after buying the game?
At least he can play Halo and he didn't pay 600 bucks for a system that had no good games for a while...I've had mine for almost 3 years without a problem. You just have to take care of it.
Stop fucken turning it on. Return the game, and don't try that disk again. It'll screw it up permanently.
Yeah but some pople played for an hour and got the ring of death. You can't extrapolate your scenario to apply to everyone.
I had the console for a long time with no problem. It was the update that fried it. whatever was in that update caused the problem. I returned the game and got another one. Good thing i had 2 consoles. Oddly enough,i plugged in a console that had not been used in over a year and it didn.t even require an update to play. Halo 3 works fine in this console and the other one is on its way for warranty repair.
Also,the special edition Halo 3 a lot of times are scratched due to the shitty tab that holds the disc in place inside the container. There is info on Xbox.com about the disc replacement.
I have yet to get halo 3 due to the fact my 360 is in for repairs and has been for about 3 weeks. My system fried when i was trying to play tiger woods 08 online. But let me say this as soon as i get it back i will be getting halo 3. It has to be the best online shooting game around.
Yeah its all over the web, my friend bought it and had to return it he said they opened 7 other ones that were scratched....I dont know whats the difference between the two...is it only the case?
yeah,i had sent my first one in for repair and picked up another when the price dropped. figured i'd just ebay it when the other came out. glad i didn't
that had no good games for a while. as in past tense. enough said. all of my friends got 360's theyve all failed and still give them problems at times. its a dice roll. theres no saying itll definitely fail but guaranteeing it will work fine is almost impossible. im not even trying to bash i have a ps3 and im perfectly happy with it. the debate has been rehashed a million times.
considering that MS has admitted that up to 30% of systems are inherently faulty, it has nothing to do with whether you take care of it or not. if you have a afulty system, it will fail at some point, plain and simple.