IGN Ratings for Guitar Hero II (Game & Guitar Controller Bundle) (X360) Rating Description out of 10 9.5 Presentation Musical themes are expertly woven into the very fabric of the game. Great options for everyone from beginners to experts. 7.0 Graphics Better than the PS2 version, but nothing special. Flashing lights can cause dizziness. 9.5 Sound A few covers are a bit off, but the whole package is simply superb. Reworked audio makes it even better than the PS2 version. 9.0 Gameplay Simple, addictive, and universally fun. 9.5 Lasting Appeal With downloadable tracks and a boatload of songs, this game will keep on giving. 9.4 Outstanding OVERALL (out of 10 / not an average)
You have to play it for yourself, it's really hard to explain. Getting together with my friends in my dorm, having a few beers, and passing the guitar around is one of the better things to do on a Saturday night.
I have this for PS2. Its so damn fun. I just recently beat all of the songs on expert. They need to hurry up and release the new one (which is going to be 80's edition).
I played it at best buy and was really hooked, that and I hear the rep this game has, I cant wait to pick this up on tuesday, and can make a quick write up review if anyone wants
My wife ordered the game after playing it by a friend's house. Now im the one with craps in the frit hand. lol The game is just fun except for when you play a gig and kill it only to be charged $1800 for "top shelf, imbibed". Madness! lol
I dont know if anyone got this, but this is what I play basically all day. Load of fun no matter what age. I still am having troubles with hard tho
heh hell yeah i party n play GH2 every night you cant get enough..hyper speed expert tho, its so sweet