If you pick the sharks you are just a trendwhore and you don't know the facts. I look at the games, not just the fantasy stats.
Considering I will be swimming with Great White Sharks next September and that yes, I am a pussy, I would say Orcas are the alpha fish. Or mammal. Or whatever they fuck they are. _
It's amazing that Shark Week is so popular, but great white sharks don't stand a chance against one mature female Killer Whale, let alone a pod.
I don't like L.A, but the L.A. Pod of killer whales was about all you could ask for in oceanic predation.
I'm going with the Orcas every time @3:35: and (@33:50) You'd think there'd be a sports team named after them.
Adult Orcas are probably 3-5 times the size of a Great White but faster, they need to set up an ocean combine so we can get all the measurables.