Hey everybody. Sorry if this is already posted. I didnt know if I could copy and paste it so I just provided the link. If it is cool to copy and paste it someone call feel free to do it later. Just a different angle on Vince Young and his test score check it out. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2006/writers/stewart_mandel/02/27/young.wonderlic/index.html
This guy is as wrong as rain. Any player, never mind a QB who scored a 6 would drop down the draftboard like a rock, unless it was a previously diagnosed condition, as it was in Gore's case (who also happens to be black). If Leinart had scored a six, he'd drop like a rock too. Why is it that anything that involves a black person always have to be about race? There were always pundits who questioned how well Young's talents would transfer to the NFL game. Those issues were talked about because of his style of play, and a seeming tendency to run too soon, along with a side arm throwing motion. He is not a proto-typical pocket passer, and that fact is ignored by this guy, who seems to only be interested in being controversial.