Its pretty long but well worth the read, I'd take this guy with our second round pick without even blinking
I agree with him not making it out of the first, maybe if the Jets could swing a trade down with the Saint or Browns (preferably) and use the late pick on him
I am a big fan of DGB, but these are the kinds of fluff pieces that always seem to come out just before the draft. I like him and hope he's a Jet, but there's a risk associated with it, and he'll have to pay for that. We always hear about the troubled players who turned the corner and became star NFL players, but for every one, there's a troubled player that never makes it at the next level due to continued immaturity issues. I hope for his sake he's learned from his past, especially if the Jets grab him.
Yes there is definitely some puff in this article, but unless you can dispute that he was dismissed from Mizzou for no valid reason other than they had a very political situation on campus and he was a casualty of it, then I'm not sure why you are viewing it off. It is a pretty telling article about why he was dismissed. Never interviewed or charged for the incident that caused him to be dropped from the team. Did you actually read it to the end or are you trying to give the Cliff Notes from articles you have seen about players in the past?
Hello, target audience of the article. What's there to read? You're giving him the benefit of the doubt on a second drug arrest. That's the problem with today's society. Everyone wants to blame someone else when something goes wrong. We now need to ask him why he was even in position to get arrested for drug suspicion? So to answer your question, cliff notes do just fine on BS articles. Look, I'm a DGB fan, but let's leave the naiveté out.
Nobody is blaming anyone else for his drug issues and he owned up to it but the second drug arrest isn't the reason why he was kicked off the team. If you had read the article you'd know what incident I was talking about. Just assuming what it says doesn't work, guy.
Haha we'll agree to disagree here. Most of the time these are good reads. I hope we end up with DGB. I think he's been through a lot and I don't blame him for a lot of the mistakes he's made as he's had a rough life. I just find it comical when this article comes out of the weeds just before the draft. Sob stories trying to make him sound more human to teams. Just the way I see it.
No, I agree that this is an opportunistic article that he was probably told by his agent to do to try to improve his draft status, but I don't think that in itself invalidates what is actually in the article. I think this article in particular tells you a lot about him (yes with a positive Blindside style slant but that kind of balances out the overly negative and generalist thug image that is being stapled to his character, probably paid articles by teams that want him to fall to their selection) But I was able to learn a lot about him that I wouldn't have known before without this article too and it puts in perspective the campus climate when he was summarily kicked to the curb by Mizzou for an incident that was dropped shortly after it was reported
I'll have to read it through rather than skim. It's just hard to take it seriously sometimes. I mean, wasn't ray rice's charges dropped too and didn't hardy pay that woman off? I think it's more an indictment on our legal system sometimes than evidence that he didn't do something wrong, if that makes sense.