Battlefield 2 Grand Theft Auto 4 MLB The Show 10 Modern Warfare 2 College Hoops 2K8 Madden 10 Metal Gear Solid 4 Fallout 3
Some more Final Fantasy XIII Resistance Killzone 2 Uncharted Batman Arkham Asylum Dragon Age (do not get the expansion pack) Heavy Rain The only game I would recomend avoiding at all costs is Lair. Its absolutely terrible.
god of war 3 (probably one of the best looking games to date) uncharted 1 & 2 (may be the greatest ps3 game ever) final fantasy 13(looks better on ps3 than xbox plus its only 1 disc) heavy rain (not for everyone but amazing story with about 22 different endings) mag killzone 2 metal gear solid 4 (one of the greatest series of all time) god of war collections
Oh forgot one Heavenly Sword is a great game just reaaly short. I would pick it up if its like 30 bucks. Andy Serkis (guy who played Smeagel in LOTR) gives the voice for the bad guy and he did a hell of a job.
in addition to the ones already mentioned, Demon's souls assassin's creed II oblivion elder scrolls infamous resident evil 5 ratchet and clank (both of them). corny concept but actually very well made bioshock and bioshock 2
PS3 Exclusives Uncharted 1 and 2 God of War 3 Heavy Rain MLB The Show 10 MGS4 inFAMOUS Multi Platform Batman: Arkham Asylum Madden 10 Bioshock 1 and 2 COD MW2 Red Faction: Guerilla GTA IV I'm sure I'm missing a bunch. Don't hesitate to check out some older titles on the cheap side.
I play this on the 360, but this game is awesome. Elder Scrolls on a console sucks. It's much better as a PC game.
Looks good. I played through LBP: GOTY but I never got into the online community/designing levels because I had so many other games to play at the time.
Metal Gear Solid 4 and Fallout 3..2 of the greatest games ever made Killzone 2 sucks..Battlefield 2 is better IMO