You're 3-day, advertising maximization bullshit was total garbage last year. I couldn't enjoy the draft like I used to. If a late picking team trades back into the 2nd round, they won't pick that day and most fans will be annoyed (I personally would love that for the Jets this year). Give me my weekend back. Stop fucking up everything I used to love about football. This thread is to gripe about the god awful change they made, and how it sucks ass now.
+1. I'm Ole' school, I like the 2 day draft that started at Noon on Saturday...Rd 1-3. Sunday......Rd 4-7.
Screw your primetime draft bullshit. Do it on Saturday and Sunday so my boys and I can get together as if we were watching games.
I prefer spending the weekend in the living room watching the draft, while getting some stuff done around the house, and it's easy enough to blow a weekend, but to fucking burn thursday-saturday is not so simple.... Fuck the NFL. Why do they feel the need to compete with Thursday night tv for ratings? fuck that crap.
I feel your pain but this fuckbag Goodell will never change it back now. His ego wont let him. We can only hope between this being the second year of this stupidity and with the lock out likely in effect, the ratings will plummet. But like you, I miss the damn draft weekend. It was basically the only think I looked forward to until the season. And entire weekend undisturbed, on my couch or in front of my computer, either with my boys or on the phone with them, and talking shit. Good fucking times. This prime time, I need to leave work early two fucking days in a row bullshit sucks ass.
I agree I hate the idea, but if they were going to do the three day schedule I would have round 1 prime time Friday, 2-4 Sat Afternoon, 5-7 Sunday Afternoon