Let's go JETS!! Don't forget to help out the site by clicking on the ads (just doing my duties before Petro starts the game threads during the regular season :breakdance: ) I'm awaiting the starter
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Don't worry, just follow along in this thread. There's always like a million posts saying the same thing after every play. It'll be hard not to know what's going on after there's a page of "Jets TD!!!1" posts.
What I want to see: 10-15 play drive, engineered by Penny and capped by a passing TD to Cotchery 6 carries 30 yards by Barlow Leon Washington catching passes in the flat Reggie Newhouse and Brad Smith in 4 WR sets with Cotch/Coles SACKs INTs Stuffing the run Vilma making plays Kimo at NT, DRob at DE 1 30+ yard completion
I still find it funny that Barlow compared Nolan to Hitler. He may turn out to be a solid RB, but what a dumbass...