Hilarious. His rating was dropped big time this week in the roster update. He's now a 74 overall compared to his previous 80. I wanted to see where/why he took the drop. They dropped his awareness all the way to 40. That puts him with all no name players pretty much in about the bottom 20 of the game. It's great. And I figured something out yesterday. If you have the XBOX 360 version and you want to wear the Jets White jersey Green pants combo... as the uniform it is listed as white on white. It was a bad fuckup on their part.
Not surprised. What I am surprised about, is that EA is putting out weekly roster updates still. I've only recently been playing Madden 09 again (waiting for Christmas for Gears 2 and GH: World Tour).
i'm new to the 360, how do you update the rosters for the game? i've been trying to do it manually lol
He's still a monster for me, online, I use him as an end and move Ellis to DT (I play a 4-3) and he is awesome.