;title;1 Not as flattering as IGN, but they're right, and hey make valid points. I don't understand how they can keep having the same issues arise year after year. They are either not listening to the customers or are incapable of coming up with consistent fixes. EA need to bring over some programmers from India, I'm sure they could do it. It's to the point now where, if you watch the guys in the Madden Challenge, they use glitches and holes in the game for strategy insetad of actual knowledge of the game. I have seen episodes of the TV show where they're sitting in a hotel "labbing"...pretty much looking for plays in their team's playbook that will exploit the AI at certain positions on an opponent's defence. That's weak man.
They really need to get franchise mode fixed. Especially player progression. When I played 09, no one on my team would progress.... even if they had supernatural seasons.
Really?? I never had that problem, I moved Vernon Gholston to DE and ran a 46 and he eventually became a 96. I had a bunch of other players who's ratings progressed a ton, esp my first round picks
Vernon Gholston was one of the few players that did progress, but only for about 2 seasons. After that he would never go up. There were a few players that progressed after the first season or two, but eventually everyone just stopped progressing. They created a patch to "fix" the problem, but the progression problem still existed.