i think there is already a forum but cant find it. mines NYJ2589. if anyones wants to get pwned at halo 3 in about an hour hit me up
nameTAKEN29 I don't play Halo 3. I play Rainbow Six: Vegas, Madden 2008, NCAA 2008, and on Tuesday I'll probably be hooked on Call of Duty 4.
There's an article on Gamepro that talks about how people who add numbers to their gamertags because they can't think of an orignial name are gay. I agree and disagree. Although it is good to have a name that doesn;t require numbers, some people may want a name that's too short on its ownand needs extra characters added to get it accepted...also, now that you have to pretty much have one name for all games, I don;t necessarily want to be called Toaster Monkey just because nobody else has it...
I just added the number because it's my lucky number...but if I didn't use the number, my "name" probably would have literally been "taken".