So my buddy calls me today after his weekend MBA class at Dowling and he says D'Brick was in his class and he ended up hanging out w/ him and talking all day. My buddy happened to ask a few questions about how things went down later in the year and it went as follows: Question was asked about Favre's relationship with the rest of the guys. D'Brick was candid in saying that Favre never even spoke to D'Brick or most of the guys on the team. He kept totally to himself. Next question was what went wrong down the stretch and did Favres arm injury play a role? D'Brick was again candid in saying everyone noticed something wasn't right and certain plays COULD NOT be made by the QB. He then literally said, I "plead the 5th" on anymore about that. Asked about Mangini, Brick said he was liked by players but it wasn't any special relationship...just casual business. Said he was nice guy and that's about it. Asked about Rex Ryan, he said he's very excited. Already had a few personal meetings and the ball is rolling already. Asked if he was going down to Super Bowl. Said it isn't much fun for players if you haven't earned your way on the field.
nice investigative reporting c80:up: This definitely helps confirm what a douche Burt is...and that he was hurt.
Yeah, this guy isn't much of a bullshit artist. And he called me early like right after his classes let out, he couldn't wait to tell me as I'm the biggest Jet fan he knows. It all seems pretty accurate to what's been reported already.
Interesting. I'd like to hear someone explain how the QB having absolutely no relationship with his own LT is a good thing. These comments also leave open the $64,000 question - who's fault was it that Favre kept trying to make plays he couldn't? Mangini? Schottenheimer? Favre?
Sorry, it doesn't mean what you think. The concussion is actually my OWN nickname from the old playing days. And of course, Chrebet was the man. I know it looks like it makes fun of Waynes numerous concussions.
Haha okay then. No problem. Chrebet was/is the man though for sure. Hearing this news makes me wonder about Favre returning though. Doesn't even talk to his own lineman? Thats not good for chemistry.
It's quite an indictment when a QB has no relationship whatsoever with his OL. I don't know if Brett was like this in his final years in Green Bay or he just decided to be a dick when he got to NY. As for D'Brick's himself, my friend said he's a very, very articulate guy that is taking care of his future after football and is still very connected to Long Island, where he grew up.
This is a really cool scenario. Is your friend a Jets fan? This is a cool scenario and would be really cool if they became good buddies and kept in touch after the class ended. We could all use some insider information from the players now and again! Hell if your buddy is shameless, ask if he can get some tickets!
And then maybe he didn't talk to him because he couldn't keep anybody off of him all year. Would you?
You're an ass. He got adequate protection most of the year. And NO NFL QB worth his salt is a dick to his OL ever. That's like biting the hand that feeds you.
Try watching the games next year. Favre was killed all year long and most of the pressure came from the left side but if you want to blame Faneca then by all means go ahead.
It's amazing how "kept to himself" quickly became "was a dick" in this thread. Did Brick say he was a dick? Did the many players on recent Packers teams that also have said publically that Favre kept to himself a lot, go on to say he was a dick? No, and no. In fact there is a very long interview with Greg Jennings where he talks about how aloof Favre was at first, but by the middle of his 2nd year on the team he grew to love the guy and respected his passion, once he understood what he was about.
When you lineup empty backfield on 1st, 2nd and 3rd down all the time, it's inevitable that defenses will setup successful blitzes time and time again. The worst it was all year was vs the 49'ers where even the front 4 was shredding us up front. But your assinine idea that Favre was distant from his OL for that reason is wrong. D'Brick sid Favre didn't talk or hangout with ANYONE on the team. But the fact that he didn't at least try to ingratiate himself with the guys protecting him is just retarded, regardless of their success or lack thereof.