Buy or plug in an "old" antenna into the back of your current HDTV. Scan for local channels and wait for CBS 2 (in NYC area) to show up. Enjoy FREE clear better quality HD content from CBS. Goodbye :metal: I posted this thread because strangely a lot of people dont know or forget a lot of pop. channels are free over the air and in HD. Not everything you need cable for, even in 2013.
Haven't had cable in over 7 years now... Got my HD antenna in the attic, never have to deal with these dickwads...and also saved about $15k in doing so...
very good advice. those of you even in southern ct and north jersey should be able to get these channels over the air. every channel has a wikipedia page that will tell you the channel that they are on. these broadcasters usually have 2 to 3 sideband carriers as well. although its not the greatest programming in the world it is something extra.
Will CBS come back to NY though in time for NFL season on Time Warner? If this screws my Jets viewing I will get upset
Folk just a thought as well for those on the fringe of the NYC broadcast signal. There is a new company named Aereo that is streaming the local stations for a small fee. You can watch on most media devices phones, tablets, Laptops, & home computer which can be hook into a lot of newer HDTV sets. In my neck of the woods I am in the middle of there FL coverage of Mia & Tpa. Still hoping the get here soon, which would allow me to watch WCBS from NY in HD for pennies compared to DTV's Sunday Ticket.
This would obviously be the main concern. Everything else CBS has to offer is runny dog shit. Only NFL options would be sports bar or stream online...but it will get resolved.
I am not to sure about it, but I believe that there license agreement with the FCC prevents that from happening.
its frustrating to see cbs having such a marketing ploy to make everyone feel as though its all on twc in this situation. i dont know the situation but i am fairly confident that cbs probably said they wanted to raise the rate they were charging per subscriber and twc is holding firm. i give twc credit for doing this as it helps to keep everyones bills a little lower. and if more companies fought these bastard programmers the cable and dish monthly bills would be cheaper. these off air guys saw the cable programmers making money on both ends, through advertising and monthly fees. so they have now jumped on board with it. and now its the cable companies fault because they dont want to pay whatever cbs is asking for to rebroadcast their hot garbage programming.
I live in Hawai'i and my cable provider is Dish Network. As of August 1st they no longer broadcast CBS or NBC channels. This isn't just happening in the Ny/NJ/whatever area. I contacted DISH numerous times and they told me that Raycom, the owners of those channels in Hawai'i, wanted to charge DISH 4x what they were charging other local cable providers.
I think the other guy is right. I remember reading about it early in the year and CBS and FOX were bitching and pretty much hinted at exiting OTA. Heck, that new FOX SPORTS 1 NETWORK is just the beginning I think. On the website it saids for the first 14months OTA content will still be present like MLB games, UFC , and NFL games. Best believe once those first 14 months are up and FOX SPORTS 1 looks to be a huge success, FOX SPORTS will go strictly cable which I think will be a terrible idea for everyone.
Depending on where you are the antenna directions may be on different angles/planes. While rabbit ears do work for those closer to the source, the further you are away then you need a better ant and the elevation of it is a factor also... If you want, there is good info on here. When I was an HDTV trainer we used to always recommend this site:
If you're in the NY area, and CBS and TWC don't come to an agreement by the time the regular season rolls around, the game will be shown on another station. Much like NFLN Thursday night games, unless the game is blacked-out, one of the local stations has to broadcast it. Not so sure abt Pre-season games tho.
Download TV Antenna Helper Free for Android on your phone. It will use GPS and show you exactly were to position your antennas to get the best coverage. No joke its a really great app.