Five changes for 2013 season...starts with Bill Polian at GM

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by JetsFan, Oct 29, 2012.

  1. JetsFan

    JetsFan Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2002
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    1. Polian wants to be in footbal in 2013 and as soon as we have played our last game of 2012 season Tanny should be let go. Bad signing, worse drafts and extension which never should have been given. The money we gave Holmes and the extension given Sanchez were horrible deals.

    2. New Head Coach, Rex will be forever linked to Sanchez and they both should be looking for a job next season. Even now Rex won't consider benching him. Pennington had an arm made of glass, but worse is Sanches and his fragile ego.

    3. As mentioned above, let Polian and our new HC pick the next QB. or form an offense which will work around the QB we may be stuck with next year.

    4. What a shitty OC change. From Shotty to Shitty! I had hopes for this team and the possibilities. What was up with this secrecy during training camp and no one able to see any wildcat plays? Where are all these plays they have been working on for six months? The master of the wildcat was given the best wildcat QB and all we get are two yard up the middle calls. Either let Tebow go or start him. I really feel bad for Tebow and hope he gets a chance somewhere else.

    5. Trade Revis. Now hear me out. No team except may the Jets would give a guy coming back from a major injury top position pay and $20-30 million garanteed. Trade him or force him to play the season under his final year. If he sits out we lock him up for three more years under a great price which whould help facilitate a trade We could still get a 1st round pick for him and it would cost a lot less money. This is a business action, nothing more and that is why you need someone like Polian in the front office.


    Unless you have that franchise QB, no player is worth big money anymore. Look at all the huge contract flops like Holmes or Williams up in Buffalo. It is better to have three guys getting $5 million a year than it is one getting $15 million. Unless you have a guy named MANNING, Brady or Rodgers they shouldn't be making even $10 million a year. Our two 1st round selected QBs we have are doing worse than five much cheaper rookie QBs.

    If Philly can bench Vick for a third round rookie, then why can't the Jets start a QB who lead the Crimson Tide to an undefeated 14–0 season, which included the 2009 SEC Championship and BCS National Championship? Gregory McElroy may be the next great QB, but behind a fragile QB like Sanchez and a folkhero like Tebow, we won't know when he is starting for his next team.

    My rant, give me yours!
  2. nyjetsrule

    nyjetsrule Active Member

    Sep 20, 2003
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    yes lets hire the guy that crafted a 2-14 team and won the #1 pick. You want a team that had no talent at all outside of one player, thats the squad Polian built in Indy.
  3. JetDynasty

    JetDynasty Active Member

    Apr 22, 2008
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    1. New gm (one with a proven track record)
    2. Fire Sparano, hire norv turner as oc knowing chargers will fire him as hc
    3. Depending on our record (assuming top 5), draft a top tier running back!
    4. Trade Tebow and draft oline depth and pick up a valuable backup qb...shit I'd even take Matt Moore!...
    5. Draft speed on defense! Pace and Scott need to go!
  4. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    He also put together winning teams in Buffalo and Carolina.

    Do you really believe the Colts had no good players besides Peyton Manning?
    Robert Mathis, Dwight Freeney, Reggie Wayne, Jeff Saturday, Pat Angerer, Antoine Bethea, etc. Not good?
  5. sbx213

    sbx213 New Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    Tebow was brought in by Woody to sell seats and get the Jets on the papers. Nothing more. This whole "wildcat package" that sparano was supposed to run was never to happen. Tebow in Denver and in college ran the Option not the wildcat. Sparano isn't a specialist in the Option nor do the Jets have the personnel to run it. We are already into the BYE week and what have we really seen with Tebow? All these "top secret" ground and pound packages that Rex and tanny have spoken about in press conferences...where are they?? I never disliked the guy and I really hope he gets a chance with another team because this coaching staff has no use for him.
  6. RevisIsland18

    RevisIsland18 Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2011
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    if we get a new OC i think andy reid (hoping eagles hit rock botton and he's fired) would be better than norv
  7. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    Polian is 120 years old. We shouldn't hire him.
  8. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    I also think he's too old now. He'll mail it in if he comes to the Jets similar to Mike Holmgren in Cleveland. There is no way that Polian can possibly have the same fire now as he had in the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s.
  9. ajax

    ajax Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2010
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    There is ZERO chance Bill Polian will work out for the Jets. Stop throwing out the only front office name you can remember off the top of your head.

    You're hiring Bill Polian but do you know what you're really getting? He's gonna turn the reigns over to his son who's currently unable to break back into the business. Bill Polian is too old to pull it off himself & his son hasn't shown any skills whatsoever. Google some random football executive & you'll likely get somebody more likely to turn this franchise around than Bill Polian's son.
  10. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    Pass on Polian, he struck gold with one of the best QBs of all time. He consistently failed to acquire defensive personnel to compliment that offense with an, at worst, opportunistic defense. The one year they stopped the run they won the Super Bowl.
  11. Jersey Joe 67

    Jersey Joe 67 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    Manning, Clark, Harrison, Wayne, Saturday, etc.
    a team that was always in playoff contention.

    You make no argument
  12. PatsFan2003

    PatsFan2003 Member

    Sep 15, 2010
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    Scott Pioli might be looking for a job. There's a lot of good things he did for KC. QB wasn't one of them.
  13. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    I'd pass on Polian too, but for the reason I cited above.

    Bill Polian acquired many good defensive players in Buffalo and Carolina. As for Indianapolis, there were enough good defensive players there to help win a Super Bowl. That team put a lot of money into the offense to make Peyton Manning's job easier. It really wasn't possible to have a great defense there. Polian went the great offense-good defense route. At least that is what he tried to put together and for the specific season of 2006 I would contend that he accomplished that goal.
  14. MURDR

    MURDR Banned

    Sep 18, 2011
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    1. Bench Sanchez
    2. Fire Rex (sorry, but if he hasn't benched Sanchez yet, he needs to go)
    3. Fire Tony
    4. Hope and pray that we get a top 5 pick
    5. Draft a HB in 1st, look for QBs later
  15. Jett

    Jett Member

    Aug 15, 2012
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    Idk, Peyton really was the team. He made a team that relied on him and it obviously collapsed in on its self. He did draft a bunch of key players but he had a bunch of busts along the way. Now obviously every team drafts their share of busts but I wouldn't Polian was an AMAZING gm. The only reason they were in contention was Peyton. I'd still welcome him due to his history though.
  16. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    You dont draft a RB in the top 5, let alone the top half of round 1 unless there names are Adrian Peterson or Trent Richardson. There's no one in the draft in that elite group. You also dont draft QBs in the mid to late rounds with the hope that theyll be a franchise QB. That just doesnt happen.

    If we hoped and prayed for a top 5 pick, got it and the new regime took a RB they should all be fired on the spot.
  17. 34miami23

    34miami23 Active Member

    Jun 18, 2010
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    Using a top 15 pick on a hb is risky IMO. Its all about the QB and the jets should take 1
  18. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    Fail. 0/10

    The moment you even had the idea of letting Polian ruin this franchise ruined the entire thread. Learn what he did as of late.

    P.S. For those idiots that have basically no fucking clue: If you let Bill Polian run as the GM, he will try to get his SON the job - delegating a lot of his responsibilities. That's what ran Colts to the ground, and what eventually canned him and his son eventually. Consider that.

    That's when he was young - what he is anything but at this point in his life.
    #18 Zach, Oct 29, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2012
  19. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    1) Woody Johnson needs to recognize that he should not be involved in any football decisions beyond hiring a competent GM to run his organization. This is the #1 prerequisite to any sustained success this team can possibly have under his ownership. How this happens is beyond me, but it's the #1 thing that needs to happen IMO.

    2) Fire Tannenbaum and hire a new, young GM with a strong football and managerial background. The new GM has to be passionate about the game, have a strong network of knowledgeable associates he can and does confide in, have strong core values that he lives by and will build a team by, and have a solid vision and LONG TERM plan that he can sell to Woody.

    3) Cut ties with all personnel (coaches, players, scouts, management, sales, everyone) who do not fit into the vision of the new GM and hire strong, highly qualified replacements who do fit that vision. Attempt to acquire additional draft picks in current and future drafts if players under contract need to be moved. Do not trade away draft picks to make acquisitions. One core value has to be building through the draft.

    4) Accountability must be preached and practiced from the GM down to the water boy at every turn, every day.

    5) Practice patience and ride out the storm to see your vision through a long term plan unless something tragic occurs making that vision impossible to accomplish.
  20. MURDR

    MURDR Banned

    Sep 18, 2011
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    Why not take HBs top 5? Stupid generalized guideline that people need to get out of their heads.

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