Finally! We find out what we have on the bench!!

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Cman68, Oct 26, 2006.

  1. Cman68

    Cman68 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    This has been some ride for us Jets Fans so far huh? Under the previous regime, rookies and benchers would remain there unless catastrophic injury occured. Just look at the contributions our no-name kids have done:

    1. Leon Washington: Singlehandedly rescued the running game from oblivion. I can see Martin's hand in how Leon hits holes and bounces left or right. Would Leon have seen action as a RB or a KR guy under the previous CS? Doubtful but to be fair, we really don't know one way or the other. Fact is, Leon has provided this team, and not coincidentally the OLine, with reason to hope. No knock on Barlow, but He's second fiddle and had better get used to his role. Blaylock? Askew? both goners unless they can play ST's.

    2. Jericho Crotchery: Sorry Hermies, but this guy should have been in the mix long before now. How much can this be attributed to regime change is uncertain however one thing cannot be overlooked. This kid is not only tough, but cut like Mt. Rushmore. He's becoming a 3rd down threat as much as Chrebet but only bigger and stronger. It would appear from the last game, that JMac might have been "inspired" just a bit to make a big play if for no other reason as to not be forgotten this year.

    3. Nick Mangold: See above on the Hermie reference. No way in hell does a rookie center start for Edwards but look at this kid. Better yet, look at Pennington. He's still in one piece. Look at the running game. It's coming around. Look at the OLine. We're not whining about the talent level anymore. We all know two things about OSU players. They show up every game and they produce. I might be biased living in Ohio but the facts bear themselves out.

    4: DBrick: Ok, so he hasn't made anyone forget Orlando Pace yet but he's no DRob either. He might be light in the ass as far as modern OLinesmen go but he's still filling out. Again, refer to Pennington. Not getting smoked anymore is he? Nope. As badly as this OLine started out, these two young men have stablized it and hopefully, under Kendall's tutelage, will develop into solid players for this team.

    Those are 2 examples of mining the bench for talent and playing your rookies. In fairness to Herm, there were other choices for these positions (Mawae, Martin, Chrebet...) I've mentioned but honestly, can any of you say that these kids would have gotten a fair shot under the previous regime? I honestly doubt it.

    The emergence of Washington is huge for the future of this team. Perhaps even bigger than Chad's resurgence. Why? It provides options next draft that weren't there before. Should Washington and Cotchery survive and play out the season at their present production levels, there's no longer a need for a "franchise back". We probably could still use a burner on the outside to open things up midrange but we can now use our 1st day pick on the DLine instead.

    Again, you gotta love how things develop. The most important thing for Jet Fans right now is to have patience and watch how a special team is being built from the ashes of the Herm Era.
  2. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    I agree that Edwards was slow to play rookies.

    I don't like three of your examples, however. Ferguson and Mangold would have started from day 1 under just about any NFL head coach. 1st round offensive linemen tend to play right away (

    Cotchery is a 3rd-year receiver. Generally, that is the time in a receiver's career when he "gets it". Cotchery would probably have started this year if Edwards was still the head coach of the Jets.
    #2 Cakes, Oct 26, 2006
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2006
  3. SonofDinger

    SonofDinger Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2003
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    I'm watching First and Goal with Mike T right and they did a real nice segment on Drew Coleman. You could add him to your list.

    And of course Brad Smith - Herm and his staff couldn't even find a way to get Lamont Jordan into the game enough. Here we see Brad Smith in all kinds of roles.
  4. Cman68

    Cman68 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Nice Callout! If anyone else wants to contribute to the list, please feel free!! :up:
  5. DaBallhawk

    DaBallhawk Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2005
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    wait until mangini decides to switch him to WR :rolleyes:
  6. Attackett

    Attackett Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Using your examples, if Herm was coach DBrick probably still would be the pick at 4 and would be starting. Mangold wouldn't be here, no way Herm & Bradway are trading Abe, he would be on our bench this year & Mangold would be a future pro bowl center somewhere else. Leon wouldn't be here either, the greatest trade in NFL history would have never happened( I still can't believe anyone questioned getting a 4th round pick for a HC about to be fired) I could go on but really whats the point, we all know we are better off with Mangini, for multiple reasons..
  7. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Cman, you hit the nail on the head. Couldn't have presented it any better.

    P/S: Brad Smith
  8. ScotsJet

    ScotsJet Active Member

    Jan 3, 2004
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    Let's be reasonable, this regime would likely have started Teague over Mangold had he not got hurt.
  9. Footballgod214

    Footballgod214 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2005
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    All the Sport Talk Radio is about Dallas right now and how Bledso got benched for a rookie with faster feet to counter-act a "horrible" O-Line that blocks worse than a sive. I can't help but smile and think how Parcells would have LOVED to have taken two future O-Line pro-bowlers in last year's draft.

    And a left tackle and center at that, the two most important O-Line positions. Add a monster run blocking RT next year and look out.

    Mangini rocks.
  10. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Were he still here, I can still envision Herm sending Martin out on 3rd and 12 in a motorized wheelchair.
  11. jets&rushfan

    jets&rushfan New Member

    Jul 21, 2005
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    Lets hope this time around we have the money to keep all of our developing players... and Danny S and the Jetskins stay the hell away...Abe would have burned a large chunk of change to keep him...funny how things work out
  12. ButtleMan

    ButtleMan New Member

    Sep 9, 2004
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    F-yea about Mangold.
    I have not seen many clips of him getting beat.
    He has been much better than advertised and for those who think that Teague would have started if he didnt get injured, dont be so sure about that.
    I kind of think that Mangold would have won the job outright in TC. The injury just put him in quicker, which is a benefit for the Jets.
  13. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    Not to pile on 'ol Hermie, but if he was still here, I don't think he drafts Brick, Mawae is still here, Abraham could likely be here, we'de probably have an LB from the draft, I doubt Washington would be here, more likely an RB taken much sooner in the draft. The O line would still stink and so would the team.

    There is still much work left to be done, especially on the D line, but I like what I see, especially from a coaching standpoint, aside from the previous regime's reluctance to start rookies unless backed into a corner. The offensive no huddle sheme, the play calling, all much improved and much less predictable. That in part is why some of the rooks have been able to shine... they are being put in a position to succeed. Nice post, C-Man.
  14. theanalogkid

    theanalogkid New Member

    Feb 25, 2006
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    I'm not ready to crown Leon yet. He ran a 100 yards in the Jags game, where the Jets were trailing and the Jags just wanted to run out the clock. The Lions run D sucks to, especially with Rogers suspended.
  15. macbk

    macbk Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2004
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    I've been really impressed with Leon and Cotchery. Leon has stepped it up big time in a position that we were struggling with the first, I'd say, 4 weeks of the season. Cotchery has proved to play the 2nd WR well. He's good with his feet and can make the catches if you need him to.

    I've also been impressed with Tim Dwight. I didn't catch the game against Detroit, but I've seen him make some nice 3rd down catches the past few games.

    And what else is there to say besides BRAD SMITH. He does IT ALL....
  16. jets1960

    jets1960 New Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    The Tuna was / is a liar and a turncoat. His wife tok him for half his cash. he isn't back in it for the love of football.
    The jerk could,ve stayed with the JETS and ....let's see what happens in the next two years.
  17. jets&rushfan

    jets&rushfan New Member

    Jul 21, 2005
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    Could it be at the time that he said it that he meant it? When he said write it on the board, with a chalkboard behind him? He then authored "The Final Season", that I have and he autographed in Ridgewood for over 1000 fans that went to the signing, I shook his hand and said "thanks for the memories" and he said "thank you" for he resurrected a failed franchise from 1-15 is way too much for any fan to bear, may it never happen again in my lifetime!

    His contract was with Leon Hess and his passing was too much, along with his high stress job it took its toll, then the Ms. gets her "fair share" in court...I hold nothing against him, he made his own legacy with the Giants long ago...and he seemed happier then...

    May he find a happy place once he leaves the game or has he become the veteran who cannot bear to say the R word?
    #17 jets&rushfan, Oct 26, 2006
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2006
  18. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    lol - good post Cman. :grin: It is very true, I think we would have seen little from any of these rookies while Herm was here.

    Hmmmmm... Leon Washington. IF this kid does continue to develop and eat up a bigger role in our backfield it just makes me laugh. The fact that we got Leon off a pick we traded for Herm to leave, when Herm was partially to blame for riding CMart into the ground. Well, that is just irony for you.

    As good as this guy has been this year, I have a hard time believing he wasn't ready for a good chunk of a role last year. What gives???

    I am pretty sure we would not have drafted Mangold if Herm were still here. They would have waited for Mawae to heal and gave him back the spot. Moving KM and picking up Mangold was a ballsy move. Glad it is paying off.

  19. dwalsh

    dwalsh 2006 Rookie of the Year Award Winner

    Mar 3, 2006
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    Just a little tid bit about Mangold and Leon Washington.

    If Herm Edwards was still the coach, we would have neither of them. Edwards would NOT have traded Abe to Seattle; never.

    If you remember, we got the 4th round pick that we used on Leon Washington from the Chiefs for Herm Edwards...

    Soo..... with that said, i think that D'Brick still would've started (i dont think we would've drafted him though, probably would've drafted Vernon Davis.
  20. Denny

    Denny Active Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Cman, you told us to turn in our darkside graphics a long time ago. At least until we gave this new staff time to show their capabilities. I kept Vader around for a little while longer but it doesn't seem relevant anymore. I have waited and have been quite pleased with all that has transpired since the Mangini signing. About 90% of the personel moves have been very good and very exhaustive to say the least.

    Along with this smart but creative draft we still have to mention the new coaches involved wiith those picks that have been managable if not better. Shotty for sure is now in his own and has shown great ability in adaptability. I think that's why we have seen success in these rookies and it has been fun to watch. This offense wants to go downfield any chance they get but will be patient until they see their shot. They know how to move the chains. They still need to solidify the right side of that line. Pennington still gets pressure when playing formidable defenses. I'm sure that will be addressed next year. But even so, Shotty has found a way to keep defenses honest with Tom Foolery and the like. He like to lull the defense to sleep then pull the trigger.

    Sutton is a different animal. It seems that it's all chaos and confusion and though the defense is weak it is only because it is in it's infancy. They will learn and continue to build. Next year they should come out of the gates surprising teams along the way. I think Sutton's progress can be evaluated later this year and moving into 2007. He will get more personel to fit ther system better. Byran Thomas was an afterthought coming into this season. With weight problems an issue a while back he faded into Herm's imfamous Cover Who. Now he's feeling comfortable in his role a showing progression some thought would never happen.

    Maybe for another thread but some of the FA's have contributed to this interesting season. Andre Dyson to name one. A very nice pick up.

    Herm was nothing more than a carnival ride operator who didn't know what to do when the ride broke. Mangini seems to undestand it all. The carnival rides inventor, operator and mechanic.

    It all starts at the top and Mangini gets his props here. I think he's more Parcells like in manner but his brains are built from a variety of places, a collection of formidable minds who have already have made themselves household names and experiences that only he can recollect from. But I think it's possible for Mangini to stand among the elite, a household name in his own right out of the shadows. It starts with coach of the year. And only us Jets fans will apprecite the ride.

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