Hey everyone. I am here to ask your fan base if anyone would be interested in participating in a fan based mock draft sometime later this year at a date yet to be determined (probably in April). I am asking now as this will take a while to set up and require the cooperation of a decently sized number of people to pull off. How it would work is that your fan base decides on posters here to be part of your "draft war room". I am asking for multiple people because I don't want the draft to fall apart if 1 person from 1 fan base does not show up. Also a fan base poll could happen but as this will be like a real draft (10 minutes per pick) I am not sure if that can work. You would pick in the position your team picks for the player you decide your team needs. I think it would make sense to have a clear cut person is charge who can make the final say if there is disagreement but anyway you decide is fine. Also trades might not be possible. That is something we can determine in the future and I do not plan to dictate every aspect. The draft would probably be held on a Friday night or sometime on the weekend. Right now though I am just inquiring if interest exist and going to the various fan boards. If you are interested please post here and I will come back and read it. I am also looking for people who would be interested in putting this together with me as I doubt it will be possible to do it all by myself. Thank you for taking the time to read this and for any participation you decide to give.