I was thinking we could have a thread where we share ridiculous stuff posted from stupid people on Facebook. Surely ya'll have experiences with idiots online like I do! And as we all know some attention whores just can't get enough of the FB and post everything from personal hygiene struggles to airing private grievances for the world to see. This provides a laugh for the rest of us. But of course unintentional humor is the best. By all means post awkward moments please like breakup posts (why the fuck would someone post a breakup argument on FB btw?) or post mean ones. maybe you guys are pricks and post some sarcastic comment. please share I'll post a few to get us going. - These posts are from two of the biggest hoes I knew from college/high school: Danielle XXX 3 hours ago Ok soo question of the day... can you get pregnant from pre cum? Then this one Danielle XXX about an hour ago Well... this definitely was not planned or expected but i am pregnant... you can keep all your negative comments to your self cause i could care less! ------------------------------------------------------------------- -Woman: [posted an article about a pregnant woman finishing a 5K run] #so proud! -Woman 2: "is that okay for the baby?" -Woman 3: "I had 4 children and I would not have done that for fear it would hurt the baby" -Guy friend: "if only we had more women who weren't pregnant out there running once in awhile" (i liked) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Or post cringeworthy crap like this -Woman: "quick breakie treating myself: papaya with organic yogurt topped with buckwheat groats, hemp seeds and chia. Vegan Banana coconut muffin...Cha ching!" *I'm not big on rules but maybe don't post actual names I guess. Let's see them guys
How about the obligatory cleavage pictures along with comments like "EW GROSS WHY ARE PEOPLE ALWAYS STARING AT ME".
I got rid of my Facebook. Too many negative 'look what im doing' shit. And I honestly dont care what you had for DINNER!
Same dude. Also, the government illegally tracks FB traffic. I work in legal support, doing videos, lawyers love going through FB, twitter, & instagram posts to use it against you.
A guy I knew briefly from growing up. Here's his real status update. Word for word Billy XXX 3 hours ago Is that what u want ? For ppl to know i owe u? Hey everybody can we give [First and Last Name withheld] some recognition cause i owe him for bailing me out of jail so i could see my daughter be born. He thinks I'm tryin to stiff him but I'm here to tell u I'm not. WTF is wrong with people
Some guy I don't know, sounds lame: What makes you happy? To me its making someone else happy. Regardless of what you get in return. Yeah im single, but she still posted that she loves me so much. Just last night. So obviously i made her feel like every other women deserves to feel.... Call me out on that. Please give me your reply.. --Some ho I knew from work years ago responding: I would LIKE to believe there is someone for everyone... except me lol You will find the one. I wear my heart on my sleeve. But I made a name for myself back in the day that wont go away, so not many men around here would date me lol Their loss.