These look to be the finalists. I can't see past LT myself.
Manning will have a good chance after finally winning the SB But I hope Brady is it, and then we can hope for the Madden course But on the other hand, Brady would break the curse, and probably every record in the books that season, besides sleeping with every supermodel in the US , winning the SB and beeing elected president.
my money's on Chad Johnson.. They always make the cover player someone who plays the position of the position that got the biggest change in gameplay... I think its about time they change the WRs around Truckstick in 07 (Alexander) Percision Passing/Vision Cone in 06 (McNabb) Hit Stick/Defensive Playmaker in 05 (Ray Lewis) Offensive Playmaker in 04 (Vick
i dont think it will be CJ because he is on the cover of NFL Street 3. And, i hope to god that they dont improve the wide out play because the DB's need a serious AI boost. madden has become way too much of an offensive game with the fastest players always burning the CB's. you put a 99 speed guy on champ bailey and you can exploit him. It's ridiculous.