Why does this team toy with my emotions EVERY FUCKING SEASON?? Why can't we for once, DO SOMETHING RIGHT? Why in 2000 do we start 6-1 and finish 9-7? Why in 2001 do we advanced just to be destroyed in the first round? Why in 02 do we make everyone think after a horrible start that we are suddenly a super bowl contender? Why in 03 did we downright suck from the outset? Why in 04 do we finish a 5-0 start with a 10-6 season, then just to have a shitty kicker put the final nail in the coffin? Why in 05 did we suck from the outset when everyone was thinking super bowl? Why in 06 when no one had high expectations we happen to have a great year, just to go back to being bottom feeders in 07? Why in 08 do we start 8-3 to finish 9-7? And why oh why in 09 do we start 3-0, then go to 4-5 losing TIME AND TIME to shitty teams in the final seconds? I'm done, absolutely done, sick of seeing the same old shit EVERY DAMN YEAR. I'm 19, so my NFL experience has largely been from this decade, why oh why do I have to deal with this shit every damn season?
I'm with you. I seriously will have to find a new team to root for. I can't deal with this garbage any longer. You could bring in any coach hell even Don Shula and we would still be garbage.
You've lost your optimism after only one decade? Try four decades and then get back to me. You're weak son.
This is easier said than done but I agree. Don't make the Jets responsible for your emotional well being because if you do, you will inevitably live a miserable life.
I'm not going anywhere, I'm just frustrated of having to deal with the same shit every season, nothing EVER goes our way.
The Jets just make it so hard to feel optimistic and hopeful. Instead of looking forward to the start of each season, I've come to fear it. I just have a real hard time taking this team seriously. They either just flat out suck or they show signs of being a really good team only to screw the pooch late in the season. No matter who the coach is or the QB is, it's always the same shit.
i must be different. I expected nothing from this team because it was a transitional year, and after they hit 4-3 and lost Jenx and LW every game was going to be a dogfight. I'm just enjoying the ride. When Sanchez is in his 3rd year, then i'll put up the loft expectations.
were the colts this good when they drafted peyton manning?they went 3-13. look at them now. think of how good we can be in the next few years.
Key point. Give Sanchez some time to develop and give Tannenbaum and Ryan a chance to weed out some of the "Mangini guys" still on the roster.
The Colts still had their ups and downs when Mora was their coach. It wasn't until Dungy that they started winning consistently. I'm really not convined that Ryan is the guy. Hopefully, he will learn from his mistakes and become a better coach but it's been a mixed bag at best so far.