So, ESPN unveiled their new website last night. It's pretty modern with many pictures, a lot of white space, responsive, etc. I don't like it though, as the latest headlines thing in the right column is gone. Opinions?
I like the new design at a high level but as your drill down into the site it seems unfinished. For example, go into NFL->scores.
Also the City specific websites are still old format. At least that is good.
I freaking hate this shit. I can't stand when the owner of the content decides they want to "fix" stuff for us. I used to have a Yahoo page set up EXACTLY like I wanted. All my sports teams and score, weather, websites, news, everything. Perfect. Then they completely changed the layout because it's what "we wanted" and I couldn't figure it out and haven't been back in years. Same shit happened with my iTunes page on my computer. I have no idea how to access my library again like I used to--was so simple. I hate it. It's NOT broken, it's perfect, leave it alone. _
i dont like it either, my company went through a redesign and I hated that too...But people got around to liking it and being familiar with it after a while. CNN's redesign is major shit, not sure if you guys use that on the phone but it is bugged out
I actually like it. I do wish the top news stories would be to the right under where it says 'Now' though.
They wanted to have 1 site that is the same on phones, tablets, and browsers. They referenced liking the scroll forever mode that is on Facebook, etc... It was done for phones...
Ok so its not just me who doesn't like it. I was literally surfing the site when it switched over and was like wtf.