I am wondering if there is any way to combine the 2 ESPN Pick'em groups since they are both ATS and both TGG groups. This one has 6 members and the other one has 21 members http://games.espn.go.com/nfl-pigskin-pickem/2015/en/group?groupID=81522
I didn't see the thread for that one I figured junc made it every year and I looked for threads by junc and nothing I don't think they can be combined
I think the best way is just to have a group and re-join it year after year, never understood why another group is needed each year that was junc's obsession
I just got an email about Pigskin Pickem from ESPN thought I would bump this so Yis can start the 2016 game. Going to post in the other pickem thread and direct them here so we don't have 2 going again.