Has anyone set up any elimination leagues where you pick 1 team to win each week and then can't use them again? I haven't even seen the option on ESPN or Yahoo! and was going to set one up for TGG.com
Not seen yahoo's yet, but their pick'em is up and running if anyone is running a league for TGG on that: http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/pickem
Yeah, that's my league. 16 or 17 people are in so far. Once the season starts you'll see a very active message board. There will also be some very strange posts. I'm sure some truly explicit stuff, too. That "m'ballshurt" guy comes out with some strange one-liners. I might also get another crazy dude in the league, too. I'll just say that that particular guy named his team "Aardvark Ass Hairs" in my midseason baseball league. It's the 4th or 5th team name he's used so far in the league and it's the least explicit. Mantana Soss is in that league, so he can vouch for me.
re: #4 Aardvark will not be playing. Therefore, the league will be pretty normal. That guy is too bizarre and really should not be allowed on the internet. I had to post here because there is no way to get in contact with some of you because you didn't supply email addresses. We pick against the spread! 11 of you made picks already and the Week 1 lines aren't out yet! You're going to want to change your picks probably. Also, the password had been changed. I removed a guy for posing as rebelmike and then making a mom joke. That guy may rejoin after seeing this message. Just don't pose, mister. And leave the mom jokes at your elementary school playground. id- 374 pw- grass