havent played it yet. But I read just like with NCAA this yr, the PS3 version will only run in 30 fps. ive seen both NCAA's cause my friend owns a 360. it runs faster. the only advantage to having it run slower is your able to setup your blocking better and pull off more moves with the highlight stick.
but ps3 is soo much better than 360 ... seriously though, this is one of the reasons I went 360 over ps3. The main game i play is Madden, so that had to be a factor in my decision.
Guys remember, this is only like PS3's first real season with these games. I remember last year, Madden for XBOX blew horribly.
Yup - the second year is usually when they get real good. PS3 will probably be slightly better than 360 next year.
oh im not worried about ps3 by any means. once developers stop being lazy and learn to use the ps3 it will be fine. ninja gaiden sigma was proof enough to me of what the ps3 is capable of. I just wished EA couldve put as much effort into ps3 as they do 360. even though they go out of their way to promote 360 over ps3.
It was annoucned before both games came out that it would run at a slower rate.... if PS3 owners wanted to wait until the developers figured out how to run it faster then I am sure they could have....the developers clearly don;t care about makign a game better, they jsut want one cgame to be as easily transferrable to the systems as it can be.....and this means they are cutting corners.....it sucks that said, I called a game store thsi morning and asked if the guy had played it yet, he said he had it running on both systems in the store right now and there was no noticeable difference...
There was a madden for PS3 last eyar and it was shit...thsi was supposed to be the year it improved...the thing is, they arent using the PS3 how they can because it takes more time...if Sony wants games to be good RIGHT NOW, they will have to develop them on their own...liek they are doign with Killzone 2 and look how amazing it is gonan be...
yeah, but everyone knows last year's version of Madden for PS3 was just a thrown together piece of shit. This is the first real season, I didn't even pre-order Madden for PS3, so I will go out and buy it before I leave for school. But I think next years version will be the best to come out so far.
yes i agree. EA's lazy ass developers can blow me for not putting in the effort to gain a knowledge of the PS3 hardware. The PS3 can easily run 60 fps or even more. Anything the 360 can do the PS3 can do so so so so so much better
Isn't this a little ironic statement? Complaining that the PS3 games aren't up to par with the 360 games, yet saying that it can do things better.... Apparently the 360 can do one thing so so so so much better than the PS3.....get games out that optimize it's performance
actually its EA's fault. they dont know how to optimize the ps3 and refuse to ask for sony's help. EA is obviously in bed with 360 since it was the first next gen system. Maybe youve noticed after every EA commercial theres an 360 advertisement right after it. his statement is based on hardware of the systems. his point is theres no excuse for ps3 to be running at half the framerate on a multi-platform title. and hes right. i really dont care anymore cuz ps3 hasnt even been out a year. itll be fine.