I'm not a big fan of the background and the font I think should be bigger and in a better location. nice cut on Keller though
Well I know it's no tim lincecum but...:wink: I made the text bigger, I wanted it bigger to begin with but I did not know how to do it on CS4 yet. As for the placement, it really does not look any better anywhere else. Do you have any suggestions? And I like the background. :jets:
I would put Keller above the pattern in the background, and maybe above the neon thingy (which could also be moved over a little bit)
The Keller pick cuts off his back leg and front foot, so it pretty much has to go on the bottom of the wall on the side it's on or he looks maimed. I tried it both ways, and I thought it looked better behind the "neon vortex" and some of the pattern. Hey D, post or PM me that Leon cut in you avatar. If you have it full size, I got a good background for it.