Just a little fun challenge about QB's taken round 1. Don't prepare. Just click in and see what you can do in time alloted. http://www.sporcle.com/games/1stroundqb.php I got 40 out of 61, which isn't great, but i wasted a lot of time trying to figure out a couple. Interesting to look over the complete list at the end, and see who panned out and who fizzled out.
45/61 I feel so stupid after these, there are so many obvious one that I shouldn't miss. I would have had 46 if I wouldn't have thought McNown was spelled McCown like the other QB. I did manage to get the 4th hardest one based on the stats...
I was about 7 when he was drafted, that's why I had zero idea who he was. But no wonder he was a piece of shit... He was a QB drafted by the bears.
52 of 61. had everyone including and after '93, but some of the older guys I just couldn't pull off. I started really following the draft in '98, so I rattled from there down to the end pretty much in no time at all.