I caught the movie few weeks ago...I liked it although some of the trades were so unrealistic. Especially the first trade. I'd fire my GM for making that trade. Anyone see the film?
I was going to see it, but it has been such a bomb that it's barely in theaters now. Two weeks after the initial two-week run it was already in only half of the theaters it started in. They'd better hope it does something in DVD sales, because it obviously has no hope internationally. Probably the last time the NFL bothers to allow someone to use their logos for a while.
Lol real life Browns made more trades today then the Sonny Weaver in the Draft Day movie...Just as crazy and amazing. Ironic
Just watched this on HBO. What a complete clusterf*ck of a movie. It only appeals to NFL fans and any smart NFL fan will see how unrealistic and stupid it is. I give it a D-. Just awful really. Agreed, Costner's character should have been fired for many reasons. Just terrible. He trades 3 1st round picks to make a splash, but has done no research on the #1 overall QB? So bad. Haha.
Three first-rounders for a franchise QB? It's basically an RG3 trade lol...so, not unrealistic just not something sane GM's do. The three second-rounders for a #6 overall trade was far more unrealistic if anything. THAT would never happen.
that movie sucked ass. The thing is that the real NFL draft in any given year is so much more entertaining than any movie. They could've made a documentary of Aaron Rodgers draft day experience, before, during and after the draft for example and it would be 1000X better than this crap movie. Essentially "Draft Day" itself is way better! my girl really liked it though.. I think its probably fun for people who don't know anything at all about football.
It's unrealistic because he just made a snap judgement. That is insanity. When the Redskins traded up they knew they were taking RGIII. And knew plenty about him. Then to get all the picks traded back? Even more insanity. Whoever wrote that was not a part of the NFL clearly.
I hope they make an even more ridiculous sequel. Get Jim Kramer from mad money to be the GM, have him trading picks like stocks and smashing phones with hammers. It will be awesome.
I want Bo Callahan!!! Watched the movie with my wife on DVD last year. It was unrealistic as hell but and completely stupid for any knowledgable football fan but it was still entertaining with its side stories. My wife liked it even though she has no clue about football.
The movie was very unrealistic but that's Hollywood. I still liked it but like you said they could've done a lot of things different.
championjets69 has seen it at least once because he keeps telling people to watch it as an example of how to run a football team.
If the Jets ever trade away three firsts for one player, the GM at the time should be shot on principle.
I watched it on a flight from LAX to Seoul... when you've got 12 hours of flying you're willing to watch a lot of things. To be fair I followed it up with Lawrence of Arabia.
I agree TDK, so stupidly unrealistic I quit on it...see for love of the game, he acts the same in every movie....
Except (SPOILER ALERT haha) he didn't even take a QB. He didn't even know who he was taking when he did it! I actually also just watched this, about 2 weeks ago. There were obvious flaws for any knowledgeable fan, but I was able to look past it and just enjoy the movie. After all, it's not every day an NFL movie comes out.
nah he knew who he was going to select [that note], he was going to take that pass-rusher no matter what lol dude still lost 3 yrs worth of 2nd round picks! Trash GM deserves to still be fired
Oh yeah that's right..I also missed that Jennifer Garner was pregnant the whole movie. I seriously had no idea until that last scene lol. I thought I was paying attention. That was stupid too though. Just because his recently passed father wanted that guy doesn't mean he has to take him. Another great part that is so realistic nobody brought up yet was how the QB stormed into the GM's office and destroyed it haha. Good stuff..
Yeah, it said take him no matter what or something. This is a movie to watch when you are hungover as shit and there is absolutely nothing on TV lol - all I remember is the part with the pass-rusher hitting the QB 4 times and that note. That and some other parts not worth noting. I agree, the movie was pretty stupid, had some decent parts - imagine Geno Smith trashing Mac's office lol. I never actually caught the beginning of the movie.